Morning beautiful!

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Alice's POV
My heart was still pounding from what Emily said, I couldn't believe how blatant she'd been. But I couldn't believe she actually hurt me in the first place either. Niall hadn't seemed shocked though, so i'm guessing her fighting isn't exactly a rare occurrence. She's right though. I hate myself for what i've done. And i know Niall does too. But honestly? I can't tell Harry, ever.
Zayn's POV
'I hate you for this' i mumbled shivering. 'We're nearly here' she laughed. And true to her word we turned the corner and i saw the house i hadn't been to in what felt like forever. 'Thank fuck' she sighed as she closed the door behind us. I peeled off my jacket and chucked it on the kitchen side and left my shoes by the door. Em pulled my hoody over her head, but her wet top stuck to it. I burst out laughing, clutching my stomach. 'You're so immature' she shook her head, pulling her top back down. I try to stifle my laughter. 'Sorry' i laugh again. She gave me the finger and started going upstairs. 'Wait!' I rush after her. We walk into her room and i stop. 'Wow, its so...' I struggle for words. Boring. Dark. Miserable. 'Different' i settle for. The walls are all black and there is a huge set of drawers and a double bed. Thats it. 'We need to change' she says, ignoring my comment. She opens one of the drawers and picks out some black jeans, identical to the ones she wearing and a sleeveless grey top that says 'bad'. Then she opens another draw and chucks me a plain black t-shirt and grey tracky bottoms. I look at them confused. 'Louis's' she says, instantly understanding my silent question. 'Of course' i say slightly jealous. She undressed and redressed in front of my so i did the same. 'Better?' She asked. I nodded. She reached under her bed and pulled out a snapback, undid her hair and swept her fringe back before putting it on backwards. 'Wanna watch a movie?' I nodded again. We were almost out of the room when i saw a cork board under her bed. I cut back and pulled it out. 'What are you-' she stopped when she saw it. 'Oh' she mumbled. On the board were tons of photographs, tickets to concerts and little notes. I ran my fingers over the pictures, mainly of us two. There were some of Charlotte, Harry and Louis too. In the middle was a note in my handwriting that i didn't even remember writing.
Morning beautiful!
Just got a text from Harry, something urgent:(( hopefully i'll be back before you wake up! See you soon,
I love you, Zayn <3
'You never came back' she whispered. 'What?' I asked confused. 'You went to Harry's, something happened, you had an argument. He insinuated that i slept with him. You never came back' she said so simply its smashed my heart into pieces. Like they were the facts and she had no feeling left. No emotion to them at all. I tried to not to think about how many hours she cried over that note, having no idea what she'd supposedly done. 'Em i'm so sorry-' she shook her head. 'Sorry's not gunna change anything so what's the point? In a way i should be thanking you, i mean, you taught me to not trust anyone, let alone love them.' She shrugged. 'Em! You can't live like this! You said it yourself, look at you! You're not happy!' I shout. She shrugged again, 'So what? I'm not gunna get hurt again either. When you left, they were the worst days of my life. I mean, since then it hasn't really gotten any better. Louis, the one person i thought i could count on to be friends for life, right? So Harry's told me he's got feelings for me. Like actual feelings. So how do I deal with it? I don't, i push him away just like i do everybody else. What am i supposed to do? Can you just tell me! Because i have no fucking idea. Can you please just tell me!' She shouts. I pulled her into a tight hug. 'Its okay to cry' I whispered. 'Cry? I haven't cried in 168 days' she laughed coldly. 'What?' I asked again. 'That's how long its been' he said quietly. 'Since..' I say, 'yeah' she pulled away from the hug. 'God i'm so pathetic' she shakes her head. 'No, you're not' After silence i say, 'where is everyone?' Indicating to her absent family. 'Tori moved out, went to uni somewhere, my Dad left, they got a divorce, he got custody of Oliver at Christmas. My Mum probably got caught up in work' i feel guilt burrow further inside me. 'Why didn't you tell me? Or anyone? Em that must have been so hard, i'm-i'm so sorry.' She just shrugged again, like it didn't really matter. 'Come on, lets go watch a movie' she changed the subject, acting like none of that ever happened. I followed her downstairs as the front door opened. 'Hey, Lou could you just grab me the stuff out the car- oh Zayn' Jo looked to Em, confused. 'Its fine, i'll get it' i say awkwardly walking outside to the car, bringing in the last cardboard box from the boot. 'Mum, no, i'm not forgiving him! yes i know what he did to me! I know! No! Obviously I haven't forgotten!' I hear Em shouting. I awkwardly walked back into the kitchen and set the box down with the others that Jo had brought in. I gave a small smile, 'thank you' Em says, glaring at her Mum. 'Yeah' Jo repeats. 'Thanks'. 'Um, its late, i'll see you tomorrow yeah?' I asked Em, she nodded and pulled me into a hug, 'sorry' she whispered. I smiled at them both before leaving.

Em's mum on the side xxxxxx

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