I thought he's gay?

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Alice's POV
'What was that about?' I ask as Harry sits on my knee, 'what are you doing' I laugh, 'get off me!' I shove him playfully. 'It's different when you sit on my knee' he grumbles. 'Obviously' i smile sitting on him. 'Don't worry about them it's sorted now babe' he smiles, kissing me. 'Get a room guys' Charlotte laughs. 'We can if you want darling' Niall winks, making us all laugh. Charlotte smirks before taking his hand and leading him upstairs, 'Nice one Niall!' Harry shouts upstairs whilst the rest of us stare in shock. 'She won't sleep with him' Sophia shrugs, 'she won't?' I ask. She shakes her head, 'No sex before marriage she says'. 'Poor Niall' Liam laughs, 'he says they do stuff, he just can't fuck her' Harry adds. 'Louis? Where you going?' Liam asks as he rushes through the room to the door. 'Em' he laughs, 'she took your bike right?' Harry asked, 'doesn't she always' he scoffs. He waved before leaving. 'She took his motorcycle?' I ask Harry, 'yeah, she always does. She doesn't have a license for it either, but she knows it pisses off Louis. Well, he says it does, i think he loves it really. You know? Makes him feel like she wants him' he shrugs. 'I thought he's gay?' I whisper. 'He's bi, but he's always had a thing for her since she finished with Zayn. She wouldn't talk to anyone after they broke up, except Louis. And he loved it' he laughs a little. 'So they're not together?' I ask confused. 'No, well, i mean they sleep together and stuff but its nothing serious' he says casually. 'They sleep together?!' I whisper shout. 'This is the age of mobile porn, get out of the 12th century babe' he laughs again. I guess i am my Mum's daughter.
Louis's POV
I knock on Em's front door, seeing my bike on the drive way. 'Louis' Jo, Em's Mum smiled, 'is she here?' I smile back. 'Yeah, upstairs, she looked pretty angry though, be warned' she laughed, stepping backwards letting me through the door. I nod before heading to the stairs. 'Em?' I knock on her door twice. 'Go away Lou' she shouts, i ignore her and walk inside.
Harry's POV
I pull my phone out of my pocket and sigh seeing i had messages from Anne and my Dad, i open the most recent one;
I need you both at home, now- Dad
I show Alice and reluctantly say bye to Liam and Sophia, then drive slowly home, trying to put off the inevitable, parents.
Alice's POV
As we enter the house I see that my Mum has being crying, and worry knots in my stomach. 'What's going on?' Harry says, evenly. 'I'm leaving, well we're leaving' my Dad states, not looking at Mum. 'Um okay? When?' I ask, 'Not you Alice' he shakes his head. 'You can't leave us! What the fuck Dad!' Harry shouts. I take his hand in mine. 'Harry, you'll be coming with me' he says quietly. My heart dropped. I'm slightly reassured, seeing Harry has the same expression as me. 'Fuck no!' He shouts, holding my hand tighter. 'You, you did this!' I shout, facing my Mum. 'Alice i'm sor-' tears run down her face. 'No! Don't say anything! Nothing you can say will fix any of this!' I scream, her hand shot out and slapped me hard across the face, i breathe hard and push her away from me. She stumbles back a bit before falling, hitting her head on the glass coffee table. 'Shit' Harry says before running to her side, right next to Dad. My hands start to shake, seeing her laid on the floor. I turn fast, and run out of the house. I turn back once more, 'I can't do this' i said to myself. Not one of them looked at me, not even for a second. I slammed the house door and started walking. The cold air bit at my body and made my cheek sting from where she hit me. I soon reached the park and folded my arms across my chest, sitting on one of the swings. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand, I absentmindedly switched it off without checking the caller and put it in my pocket. The park was empty, due to the constant rain, and the wind made the swings move on their own.
Harry's POV
'Where's Alice?' I asked Dad, not leaving Anne's side he replied, 'she left about an hour ago, she'll cool off, then come back, she's a clever girl Harry, don't worry' i shouted 'she left?! Why the hell didn't you tell me?!' I didn't wait for his reply as i left the house. After calling the boys they all agreed to help, except Niall, who's phone was turned off, But i left him a couple voicemails, i started driving around. I knew calling Alice was useless but i tried nonetheless.
Alice's POV
'Alice?' I tensed, praying it wasn't Harry. Who am i kidding? It's not Harry, he was too busy looking after Mum to even notice i was gone. I turned, to see Niall, i smiled, 'what's going on?' He asked sitting on the swing next to me. 'I'm fine' i said unconvincingly. Just as he was about to talk his phone started ringing. He fumbled in his pocket and jumped from foot to foot trying to get it out of his intensely skinny jeans,  i laughed until my stomach hurt, and when he finally got it out the ringing had stopped. 'It was Harry, i'll just call-' i reached out and grabbed his phone, 'no!' I quickly switched in off and put it in my pocket with my phone. He laughed 'so i'm guessing you've fallen out right?' I nod, raising my eyebrows. After explaining the entire thing, he nodded but didn't say anything. 'So, why are you here?' I averted the attention to him. 'I was driving past' i points to his car, parked at the side of the road. 'I saw you and figured i'd stop' he shrugged. 'C'mon, I don't know about you but i'm freezing' i
nodded and took his hand.

Picture of Charlotte on the sideeee xxxx

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