How Manly

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Louis's POV
'Is he coming?' I asked Harry as we all sat in Zayn's studio. He shook his head, 'obviously not' Zayn laughed. 'He said he'd meet us for food after, TGI's yeah?' We nodded.
'What about Charlotte?' I turned to Em, who'd being ignoring me for no reason at all, she shrugged, 'she said no' she said quietly. I knew for a fact she hadn't asked her, but i had no idea why. Everyone nodded before gathering closer around. I saw Zayn counting everyone here, 'so just us 6?' We all nodded again.
He handed out paper and pencils for us to draw our designs, i watched at both Em and Sophia bit their lip in anticipation of what they were drawing, we all went silent and began to draw the most embarrassing tattoo possible. I kept mine simple, a small coat hanger then folded the paper and chucked it into the seat in the middle of us all. After everyone was finished, i rubbed my hands together, 'let's do it' i said.
Sophia grabbed Em's hand and they both sent each other nervous looks. 'I'll go first' Liam stayed confidently. He mixed the papers up and grabbed one them opened it up. 'A feather?' He laughed, 'how manly' he shook his head. 'This was you, right?' He turned to Sophia who laughed and nodded. I reached out my hand and highfived her. Harry went next, he got mine, 'only you would draw this' he fake glared at me, making everyone laugh. I chose a random piece of paper and opened it worriedly, it was a drawing of a tic tac toe, not too bad, well drawn as well, 'Zayn?' I asked, i showed everyone and Zayn nodded, 'aw, that ones nice!' Sophia grumbled. Zayn winked before reaching and choosing his own, it was a cartoon drawing of a hand with the first 2 fingers crossed, I instantly knew it was Em's. 'Sweet, i like it' they grinned at each other, we all looked at both of them confused, 'since when do' Liam said what we were all thinking. They both blushed and shrugged, trying to avert the attention elsewhere. So there were 2 designs left, for the girls. One drawn by Liam and one by Harry. Sophia went first, choosing the one definitely drawn my Liam, it was the Wolverhampton Wanderers football club emblem, 'nooo!' She screamed, 'i hate the wanderers!' We all laughed, 'i know babe' Liam smirked. 'Twat' she mumbled. We all went quiet again and watched Em intently, Harry couldn't keep the smirk off his face. She slowly opened the paper and her face went pale. She glared at Harry, who burst out laughing. 'Show us!' Sophia urged. 'I hate you' she glared at Harry, 'c'mon Em' Zayn laughed, 'it can't be that bad?' Sophia said, but it sounded more of a question than a statement. She slowly turned the small piece of paper around, so we could all see.
It read, 'heartless for anyone but Harry' then a small outline of a heart. Everyone was shocked into silence then started laughing, me along with them. 'You've got to be fucking kidding! No! No way am i having your name tattooed on me!' She shook her head, we all shrugged, 'you have to, its the rules' Harry smirked again, Em huffed but nodded her head, 'i fucking hate all of you' she scowled, 'except Harry apparently' Zayn said quietly making us all laugh again. 'Okay let's get this over with' Em said. We all agreed and Zayn set up, volunteering Liam to go first.
He had the feather pretty big on his lower arm, then harry had his coat hanger on his bicep. They both looked good to be honest. I had mine next, and i was happy with it, it was on my lower arm. Zayn traced out his own on his arm then agreed to let Em tattoo him, i had no idea why. 'You nervous?' Em asked, sitting on his lap holding his arm. I felt jealousy bubble inside me. When finally she got off him he had the tattoo massive on his arm. We all checked it out, 'not bad' he smiled. They stared at each other for a second before Harry coughed awkwardly and they both snapped their attention back to us. 'So, um, who's next?' Em asked. Sophia had hers really small on the bottom of her back, cursing Liam the entire time. Zayn free hand then did Em's, then she let Harry draw the heart. 'Never, ever, am i playing this game, ever again' Em huffed tracing the tattoo on the bottom of her stomach, 'Me too' Sophia agreed. 'You both say that every time' Harry laughed, poking her tattoo making her wince and slap his hand. 'I want food nowww' Sophia dragged out, 'I second that' i stood up. Everyone agreed and Liam said he would drive, Zayn locked up the studio and we all piled into Liam's car. With me, Harry and Zayn in the back, Liam driving and Em and Sophia sat in the front seat squished together, taking photos on Liam's phone, much to his annoyance. 'Check your twitters guys' Sophia laughed making us all groan, i pulled out my phone and loaded up the app, which seemed to take a lot longer than usual. I checked my notifications and clicked onto Sophia's profile, seeing a picture taken by her, showing everyone inside the car. Her and Em were pulling funny faces, Liam was facing forward whilst me, Zayn and Harry all looked pretty gormless. 'Bitches' Harry mumbled, seeing the photo on his own phone, 'bad bitches though' Sophia said making everyone laugh. 'Okay, we're here' Liam said parking up outside TGI's.

Tattoos on the side xxxxxx

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