I'm sorry

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Zayn's POV
8 minutes. 8 minutes until she was free. The longest 8 minutes of my life. My life hadn't moved on since she left, unlike the others. Even Louis. He was lost for months, then, he just got better. But I hadn't. Which is why i was here now, shaking with excitement but also fear that she'd reject me. True, i hadn't visited her. But she wanted space. 6 minutes.
It's Liam's wedding day today. So here i am in a tux. With a dress in the back of my car. A car she hadn't seen before because it was relatively new. 4 minutes. I didn't know what size she was before she left, so i sure as hell don't know what size she is now. Shit, what if she hates it. 2 minutes. I fix my bow tie and dust off my black skinny jeans, which were Liam's idea as he refused to wear regular trousers at his own wedding. Personally i agree but- i stopped. It was definitely her. Although she looked so different. But yet everything was the same. She actually looked happy. She hadn't seen me yet, she was filling in forms. Okay, now or never.
I approached her from behind so she couldn't see me. She was wearing black skinny jeans, identical to mine and a sleeveless t-shirt. It was one that i bought her, that had to be s good sign right? my heart pounded. 'Em?' I said quietly, careful not to scare her. She froze. My heart dropped. She doesn't want me. Fuck, I'm such an idiot. I almost left. But, then she turned around and jumped on me, her legs wrapping around my waist. 'Zayn!' She cried into my shoulder. She was actually cried. 'Shit i've missed you so much' she hugged me tight. 'I've missed you too' I put her down and gripped her hand, then lead her out of that place. She looked up at the sky. 'It's so beautiful' she beamed. 'You are' i hugged her again ans tipped her head up to mine, and kissed her hard. And this is when I realised. This is who she is. She's found herself and she might not be perfect, but she's pretty damn close.
Louis's POV
'Zayn, thank fuck you're here-' Liam stopped. As did we all. 'Shit' Niall fumbled to get some clothes on as he was naked. 'Emily..' I said quietly. She looked so.. Different. Like, alive? I settled on happy.
She let go of Zayn's hand and ran towards us all. We all came together and hugged her so tight. 'Okay..I..can't...breathe' she gasped out. 'Is everyone okay? This is so weird seeing you' she then hugged us all individually. We all had so much to talk about.
Charlotte's POV
'Okay girls, let's go!' I shouted, grinning excitedly. 'Wait..i've got a surprise' Sophia said, fastening her veil. Me and Alice looked at her, 'go on then' Alice laughed. The doors opened..and there stood Zayn.
'Well, isn't this a day of surprises' he laughed 'You all look stunning' he smiled, hugging Alice tightly, 'it's nice to see you'. 'What's going on?' I asked confused. He reached his arm to the side, behind the door. Then Emily appeared. 'Hey' she smiled awkwardly. Sophia rushed to her and hugged her, both of them screaming. Alice and I sent each other nervous looks. Em noticed our worry, 'it's okay, i'm not here to start anything' she laughed. I relaxed slightly, but the awkwardness was still there. This is my best friend for god sake. My old best friend, I reminded myself. 'I'm sorry' i walk closer to her. 'Me too, okay forgiven? Because apparently you've all got a wedding to get to' she smiled. Wow. She's so different. 'Look, i'll erm leave you to get ready, see you later' she turned to leave. 'Emily Johnson! You can't leave! This is my damn wedding and i'm having my best friend as a bridesmaid' Sophia almost shouted. 'I'd love to, but, I don't have a dress' she smiled politely. 'Hell yeah you do' Zayn laughed revealing a dress the same as mine and Alice's.
Harry's POV
'She's here right?' I started to panic. 'Yes, for the last time Alice is here' Liam sighed. 'I have bigger things to worry about! I'm getting married right now!' Liam ran his hands over his face. Okay, he had a point. Sophia was late. Then we all fell silent as the music started playing. Niall, Louis and I and stood back in our positions next to Liam. Who was tapping his foot subconsciously. I saw Alice first. God, she looked so beautiful. And so different. She had brown hair, which barely grazed her shoulders. But she was so thin. My heart dropped when her eyes caught mine. Nothing. She looked completely broken.
Sophia's POV
'I do' I said as I tried not to cry. 'I now pronounce you Husband and Wife, you may kiss your bride' i felt Liam smile as he kissed me. I saw both our Mum's crying and sent them an excited smile. 'Okay now can we all get drunk?' Louis said way to loudly making everyone laugh and him blush slightly.
Alice's POV
I was stood in the reception markee with Charlotte, whilst she was checking everything was okay before people started flooding in. 'Charl, i think it's all okay now' i laughed slightly at how on edge she was. I heard the big wooden doors open behind me and turned slowly.
He walked slowly into the room and my nails dug into my palms.

Sophia's dress, Liam's tux, the girls bridesmaid dresses and the boys tuxs on the side xxxx

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