'Alice' 'Harry'

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'You need to go' I think my voice was stronger than we both  expected it to be. I smirk. But inside, i'm fighting against myself. What I really want to do is run and jump on him and say how much i've missed him. But I don't. 'Alice, please let me explain' he practically begged, walking closer towards me. 'Stay away from me! You didn't even say goodbye!' I shouted. He nodded sadly, and swallowed tears. He lifted his hands up in surrender, 'okay, i'm sorry' then i shouted and screamed at him as he left silently left the room. 'You're not my Dad! You never were! I hate you Des!' Then i cried. 'I wasn't done, I wasn't finished' i cried into Charlotte's arms. I let all the hidden emotions from the past 2 years flood out of me.
And then there were no tears left. 'God i'm sorry Charl' i laughed awkwardly, wiping my face. She smiled, 'don't worry about it. People will be here soon we-' she stopped as we heard the wooden doors open again, people flooding in. 'Alice' I turned to face Harry. The speeches i had said over and over again in my head, about how i hate him and that i can never forgive him for leaving me, seemed to vanish. Leaving my mind blank.
Harry's POV
Her eyes locked to mine, and i felt every single wall i had built up in the past 2 years come tumbling down. Her eyes suddenly softened. 'Harry' her lips trembled. 'I'm sorr-' i started but she cut me off with her lips on mine. We both pulled away slowly.
I held her hands in mine. 'This is new' she mumbled against my chest. I glanced down at the cross tattooed on my hand. 'It was- was for you, like innocence? Purity? A constant reminder that one day i'd find you and never let go, and never leave you again' her breathing hitched. 'I never stopped loving you Alice' i felt my eyes water. 'I love you too' she smiled and kissed me again. 'Oh my fuck! I just walked in on Louis and Luke kissing and now you too as well!' Niall shouted, making us jump apart and Alice blush. I wrapped my arm around her waist and turned to everyone else. Louis and Luke both look equally as embarrassed as we were.
'I need to throw my flowers!' Sophia shouted dragging the girls behind her. We all stood and watched in amusement. Sophia threw the flowers and i watched as they tumbled towards Em. She caught them and quickly tossed them on to Charlotte. 'What's going on?' Charlotte laughed confused. Then we all went silent, as we were instructed to do by Niall this morning. The music changed to 'I'm yours' by Jason Mraz. Apparently that was 'their' song. 'Charlotte Jade Savage, will you marry me?' Niall's voice trembled as everyone turned to watch. 'Yes!' She screamed and jumped on him. We all cheered and clapped for them both.
Zayn's POV
'You fancy a go?' I whispered in Em's ear. 'At marriage? Is this a proposal?' She whispered back. I shrugged and grinned. 'Maybe' she grinned back. 'Then hell yeah' she stood on her tip toes and kissed me hard. And as if on cue, we turned to see the fireworks Liam had prepared. 'Did you plan that? Because if you did i think i'll die of cringey-ness' she laughed. 'I didn't' i laughed back. She leant into me, 'Thank fuck for that' i smiled down at her.
'I bought a flat' i stated, nervous of her reaction. She smiled, 'good because I don't know if you realised but i just came out of prison, and i really don't wanna live with the woman who put me there' we both laughed. 'It's in San Diego..' I said less than a whisper. She noticed my nervousness. 'San Diego, America?' I nodded. Then without hesitation she replied, 'a flat in San Diego with my fiancé' she thought it over jokingly. 'It sounds amazing Zayn' i relaxed, 'that's why i love you' she smiled. 'And i love you, so let's go to San Diego' she continued, 'Let's be unpredictable'.

Okay its finished, epilogue next xxxxx

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