Are you sure?

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I decided to text my cousin, Danielle, she suggested a shopping trip- to which I agreed. Because if this idea of Harry's was gunna work i'd need new clothes. After four hours, and a stop at nando's Danielle finally decided we were done. Thankfully she came home with me to try on my new clothes because without her i would have no idea which clothes went with what.
As we entered my room i noticed my entire wardrobe was empty, apart from some black skinny jeans and a few old t-shirts. In the corner of my eye i saw Danielle and Harry by the door, assessing my reaction. I sighed regretfully 'well i guess we have to start somewhere' Danielle smiled widely, 'that's the spirit Alice' i forced a smile back.
Harry scouted through the shopping bags before chucking some high waisted denim shorts and a white strappy half top at me. I reluctantly pulled them on and glanced in the mirror, cringing at how much skin was showing. Harry nodded his head in approval and Dani screamed 'who knew you actually had a figure under all those clothes?' I smiled at her and for once I actually felt good. 'Harry what do you think?' Dani asked, i bit my inside lip in anticipation. Finally Harry answered, 'i think i'm gunna have more trouble keeping the boys away next term' he said with an encouraging smile.
After trying on dozens more outfits and after making Harry leave trying on underwear and a couple bikinis Danielle left. And I had time to think, about this whole thing. I had changed so much already, just in a day, but i'd be lying if i said I wasn't excited.
I woke up from my nap and glanced at the clock, 6:00pm, i sighed, looks like I won't be sleeping much tonight. Standing up i heard the door open, 'um-Harry?' I questioned. 'Oh yeah hey er' he actually looked nervous 'do you want to come to a party tonight?' I thought for a minute, i heard stories from these parties, and i had to admit they seemed pretty fun. 'Sure' i smiled, Harry mirroring me. His smile dropped, him gaining back his composure 'i'm leaving at 8, so be ready because i'm not waiting' he practically growled, i laughed internally. He really needs to get his mood swings under control.
I soon realised i need something to wear, and as i looked through my newly filled closet i realised i was completely out of my depth. After calling Danielle and trying out countless outfits she chose black high waisted ripped skinny jeans and a plain grey long sleeved top. I slipped on some white vans and checked i had my phone. Leaving my hair wavy i applied eye makeup the way Dani had showed me. I almost screamed when i saw my reflection in the mirror, i actually looked okay, impressed with myself i went downstairs checking the time on the way- 7:56. I smiled as i waited for Harry. I turned when i heard my mothers voice.
'Hi, um can i help you? If you're here to, er see Harold then he'll be upstairs' i turned and faced her, 'what?' She didn't recognise me, 'Mum, its me' I almost laughed at her shocked face. She actually thought i was here as one of Harry's 'girls' 'Alice! What the hell are you doing dressed like that?!' She shouted, suddenly coming to her senses. I etched a false smile on my face, 'going to a party?' She took a step backward, as if my words had physically Hurt her. It was obvious she never expected me to talk to her like this, i should apologise.
Then Danielle and Harry crossed my mind.
I narrowed my eyes at my Mom and took a deep breath, steeping towards her 'a party' i repeated. I stood a few inches taller than her and used this to intimidate her, looking down on her. She swallowed then nodded her head and rushed into the kitchen, leaving me feeling kind of superior but also a bit sick.
Harry soon descended the stairs and, taking in my shaking state looked at me unsure 'You okay?' He asked putting his arm around my shoulder. I mumbled a yeah before rushing him to leave. I had never stood up to my Mom before now, i was sort of proud and couldn't force the smile from my face for the entire ride.
As Harry's black BMW, identical to mine pulled up at what i guessed was his friend's house, i thought back to my ruined car. Quickly pulling out my phone i texted my Dad,
Heyy, Mums being annoying :/// also any chance of a new car?😚 love you xxx
I slipped my phone back into my pocket and grinned at Harry as he led me inside.
After being pressed between bodies we finally reached the main room, my stomach twisted as i saw Conner stood in the kitchen. Harry followed my gaze and let his eyes rest on Conner, i felt him tense behind me 'Did he do something?' He breathed out. 'No- i just- ugh he won't recognise me right?' I asked worried. 'No way' he laughed a little. After a beat of silence i said 'drink?' Harry nodded his head to and pointed towards the kitchen. I smiled before walking in the direction that is hand directed.
Once in the kitchen i ducked to avoid Conner and looked for something to drink, i grabbed two bottles and then scouted around the kitchen for an opener. 'Here, i got it' a deep voice said from behind me. 'Oh..' My voice trailed off and my brain searched for words as i laid eyes upon one of Harry's friends. I realised i still hadn't answered and mumbled a quiet thanks. He nodded and handed me back the now open bottles before reaching out his hand to shake mine.
'Alice' i answered back.
'So, who you here with tonight Alice?' He said my name as if he was trying it out. I opened my mouth to answer but was cut off by Zayn stumbling forward almost falling into me. He turned his back to me, showing Harry climbing on top of his shoulders. I nearly screamed at him! He had to ruin any chance of me talking to Zayn, god, even his name is hot.
'Oh hey Al' Harry chirped, noticing i was there.
I saw disappointment flash in Zayn's eyes.
'Oh. She will you Harry? Sorry mate, i-i didn't realise' Harry quickly jumped in 'no! No she's not with me.. Like that, this is Alice? my sister?' he clarified. Zayn's face turned from shock back into a smile 'well then, Alice, would you care to dance?' I looked to Harry for permission, he nodded his head, smiled then turned to walk away. I quickly drained my cup then held onto Zayn's hand as he led to me the dance floor.
The music all began to sound the same and i was stumbling, leaning on Zayn. I had no idea what i had been drinking or what time it was. He whispered something in my ear, but i had no chance of hearing him, i just nodded my head and let him lead me through the crowd to upstairs.
We sat, knee to knee, on someone's double bed. He ducked his head to mine and kissed me slowly, after a few seconds i kissed him back. My teeth pulled on his lip ring whilst his hands trailed up and down my thighs. Zayn's lips moved to my neck and collar bones and peppered my skin with purple bruises, i moaned quietly, and i could feel his smirk against my skin. I laid down under his body and i knew what was coming next, and suddenly I wasn't drunk anymore. My heart started beating fast, pounding away any false confidence i had earlier.
'Are you sure?' Zayn said softly, making me shiver. I nodded, not trusting my voice. He still looked at me unsure, 'Please' I whispered in his ear, taking it between my teeth. He moaned again before pulling me towards him.
He gently pulled my top over my head along with his own and I fumbled with his belt buckle. He pulled down his skinny jeans and towered over me, leaning his body close to mine.
I felt his fingers trace down my stomach making squirm. My body began to tingle. Zayn's hand hooked under my bra clasp and tossed it to the floor. I panicked and crossed my arms over my chest. He shook his head, 'you're beautiful' he whispered, i smiled wide back at him. I gasped as his fingers went beneath the fabric of my underwear.
Zayn's POV
I smirked at Alice as my finger slowly entered her, she moaned quietly, making me hard. I slowly moved my finger in and out, she screamed out 'Zayn', i moaned again. Her body began so shake and she gripped onto my back, i used my other hand to hold me above her, looking straight into her eyes as she orgasmed. We were both breathing heavily, 'are you ready?' I asked. She nodded and bit her lip, i brought my face close to hers and kissed her hard. I positioned my self, gently resting on her and thrust into her.
Alices' POV
I shut my eyes as i felt pain, tears welled in my eyes, Zayn looked worried, dipped his head down to mine and kissed away my tears. Soon the pain vanished and i started breathing heavier.
Zayn's POV
I felt her shake beneath me, I whispered in her ear 'Cum, for me Alice'. She screamed out my name again, making me cum as well as her. I felt the tension run out of both our bodies. I rolled to the side and pulled her close to me.
Alice's POV
'Was that your first time?' Zayn whispered, whilst kissing the back of my neck. I turned over to face him, blushing as i nodded. He pulled me closer to him and i closed my eyes, 'Thank you' he whispered again.

Party outfit on the side, picture from Google images xxxx

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