Chapter nineteen Shes back!!!

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Your POV

"Hello,Gold" I smile,walking through the door that made a strange 'ding' notice. I looked up at the small bell,raising a brow. "Hello,dear can I help you" Mr Gold smiled as he walked through a curtain that hung in a door way. "Hello" I wave,opening the door once again and closing it. "That's called a bell,it lets me know when someone comes in" he explains. "Hmm,cool" I smile,turning around. I started to investigate all of the strange things he keeps in his shop. "What is all this stuff?" I question. "There different thing I've either collected or things that mean a lot to others". I nod and continue looking. Suddenly on specific thing caught my eyes. It hung on hook. I slowly lifted it off the hook. "Something caught your eye,dearie?" He asks. I smile slightly,holding the hat my brother once gave me long ago. On the hook a ring is placed. The ring I was given long ago. "I didn't realise it was missing" I mutter. "What?" He raises a brow. I pick up both the hat and the ring and walked over to him. "How much?" I question. "Nothing" he smiles "But tell me,why are these so important to you?". "Killian gave me this when I was younger,he promised me we would be able to sail together and this hat was our promise" I smile at the thought,"and this...this was the last thing my brother,Liam gave to me. It's the only thing that reminds me of him" I sigh. "It seems that your brothers cared and care a lot about you" he pats me on the shoulder. "I have to go now,but thank you" I gleams,turning to the door. "Oh,(Y\N)",I stop to face him,"be careful,things may be good now,but in this place they never stay". I nod and left.

I made my way back to,Regina's. Peter admitted to me he hadn't been sleeping well so with what I remembered from,Mataya,I helped him. I slowly crept into the room. He's still asleep. I smile at his peaceful face before placing the hat and ring on the dressing table. I slowly approached him,moving a piece of hair from his face. He mumbles something and turns over. I give a slight laugh and wonder over to the window seat. Sitting down I look out of the window. The beautiful sun,shinning through the clouds,birds flying every which way. I sigh at the beautiful sight in front of me. "Happy?" A dangerous voice asks. I flinch,slowly turning to face the one...well maybe second person I never wanted to see again. "Wha-wha..." I stutter. "Oh now calm darling" she smirks evilly. She slowly stepped closer and closer towards,Peter,a horrible smirk crept on her face. "Get away from him" I growl,standing up. "Calm,I'm not going to hurt him" she chuckles. "Then-then what ar-". "Shhh,shhh he's trying to sleep" she whispers, "even so he will be in my way". I freeze,she mutters a spell and a horrible dark red forms in her hand. She slowly places is over him. "NOOO!" I scream pushing her back. "Oh,oh no,don't do that" she warns,flicking her wrist and pushing me up the wall. She returns next to,Peter and continues her spell. Red magic fills his body and fades into him. "Wh-what did you do?" I splutter as she strangles me. "Nothing to serious,but that was your fault" she points to him "because you have been a very naughty girl" she laughs hysterically and vanishes. I dropped to the floor,taking oxygen back into my body. I jump up and sped over to him. I shook him awake. He looked up with a raised brow. "Peter?" I question quietly. He sat up and jumps out of bed. He looks at me with a blank expression. I slightly smile at him. His face turns dark and I'm suddenly being pushed against a wall...again!. "Where the hell am I?" He yells. "Storybrooke" I tell him. "Why!?" He growls,now pushing me harder by the neck. "Pet-Peter sto-stop" I stutter through my breath. "Tell me why I'm here" he comes closer. "Lo-long story" blackness fills my sight and I suddenly felt myself fall to the ground...

Rumplestiltskin POV

"Hello,brother" a voice laughs,waking me from my thoughts. "What have you done now?" I question. "Stuff,yes,yes stuff,evil stuff you will be proud" she beams. "Proud of you? No I haven't been proud of you since we were children,sister" I murmur, "so tell me what is it you have done". "Well soon enough we will all be home,brother and when that happens I will get what I want,I will get that girl" she claps her hands together. "Your forgetting one thing" I raise my finger. "Oh don't worry the boy has been taken care of. He has no idea who she is or where he is" she laughs "so therefore all's well". "She's going to hate you for that". "Not if she doesn't remember" she tilts her head. "I doubt you'll be able to do any magic on her" I sigh. She raises a brow. "You see,sister her mind is like a cage and that cage is now locked up and there is no way you or anyone else will be able to unlock it" I grin. "Great" she mutters to herself. "Anyway as I told you I will not let you harm her" I remind her. "Yes well once the boy is gone the girl will be broken and once everyone she loves is dead then her mind will be unlocked and she will be vulnerable" she gleams. "If you are planning on hurting people I care about then you can forget it and that includes,Hook. I may not particularly like him,but if you hurt him or anyone else in Storybrooke then I will have no choice,but to k-". "Kill me" she finishes my sentence "You may be powerful brother,but so am I. So stay away from me" and with that she vanishes. "You will not win this game sister" I shout. 'You will not win'...

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