Chapter Nine Back to camp

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A\N. This took so long I had a lot of homework to do this past week and have had a hard time fitting in writing. Anyway enjoy,comment,vote. Thank you xxxx

Your POV

Peter appeared us all in the middle of the forest. I look down at the bracket attached to my wrist.

"Peter because your Peter can you take off this bracelet?" I turned to him.

"Ok that kind of makes sense, I'll try" he smiles, taking off the bracelet.

"Thanks" I smile.

"Ok, now what?" Regina sighs.

"This way to my camp" Peter gestured us to follow. We follow him through the forest,until the sounds of music and cheering is heard.

"Awww their having a party without us" I whined sarcastically.

"Ha, we'll party once this is over" he promised.
I nod, turning to the others.

"So what exactly is this plan of yours, Pan?" Emma asks.

"There isn't one" he smirks.

"Oh so we're just gonna run in and just go for it?" She tilts her head.

Suddenly an arrow shots out of no where heading towards, Peter. He immediately catches it inches from his chest.

"Show your self" Peter ordered. Slightly and Cubby came out first followed by Nibs and Curly.

"Your evil Pan" Nibs spoke up.

"Actually I'm not, Nibs" Peter replied; lifting up the arrow using magic to make it disappear into dust.

"Yes you are. Good Pan doesn't hang around with, Hook" Cubby spoke.

"Things change" I shrugged.

"There's no time for this" Regina sighed.

"There with the evil queen" Slightly told them.

"And they've stolen the boy" Nibs added.

"No this is my family" Henry told them.

They hesitated before, Nibs spoke again "He is the evil Pan right,Felix?"

Felix walked out of the shadows, hood up, holding his staff. He look at, Peter then back at the others "He isn't the evil Pan".

They look at each other then Felix,  then me. Throwing their weapons on the floor,they look down.

"Sorry I shot an arrow at you" Slightly confessed.

Peter sighed before walking over to him "That was you? You've gotten better than when I last saw you".

"I've been practicing" he looks up and smiles.

"That was an excellent shot" Peter returns his smile.

"Only last week I managed to hit a boar in the leg" he beamed.

"Ugh horrible" I sigh.

"You can show me later" Peter promises.

"Who knew, Pan is good with kids" Killian joked.

"I'll have you know I'm great with kids" Peter explained.

"He had a sister and a brother" I whispered.

"So does that mean the other, Pan is evil?" Nibs questions.

"Yeah" I answered.

"Wow this is confusing" Curly groaned and held his head.

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