chapter eight Pure heart

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Your POV

"Let her go,Pan!" Killian yelled.

"Um let me" he laughs hysterically.

"That's how long you have to live, isn't it?" I whisper.

  "Indeed it is. And I think now it's time" he turns me to look at him.

Killian and Emma ran at him, but he blasted them back against a wall.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. It would have been fun" he smiles.

"Yeah it would of" I say sarcasticly.

"Good bye, love" he smashes his hand into my chest, making me scream in pain.

My brother screamed my name as Pan pulled out my heart. I stumble back, trying to get my balance. My heart glowed pure white? In his hand. He laughed and shoved the heart in his chest. His chest glowed white as he flew into the air.

"Well this has been fun" he laughed jumping on the ground.

The light dimmed until it was fully gone. My body started to freeze, I suddenly felt myself fall backwards and then...

Neals POV

I've been wondering around for god knows how longs, trying to find my father. Walking past the echo caves entrance,I decide to go see, Regina.

"Regina" I yell as I reach the bottom of the cave. "Regina?" I ask, but realised she's not there. "Where is everyone?".

I wondered over to the frozen, Pan and tilted my head to look at him. I banged on the ice.

"Wow it must be cold in there" I joked.

Suddenly the ice began to crack. I step back a couple of steps as ice flew in different directions. A bright light smashes through the ice,breaking it completely. I cover my face from the ice. The light dimmed and an furious looking, Pan stepped out. He jumped up and began to fly away.

"Wait!" I scream.

He stops and turned to me, flicking his wrist I appeared on a little island with a skull shaped rock. People screams are heard from the top. I quickly ran to the top where Emma and everyone is.

"What's going on?" I question walking over to Emma I notice Hooks sister falling to the floor, then...

Peters POV

Being locked in ice for months is the worst way to be locked up. They only thing that made me happy was when I saw, (Y\N) through the ice trying to get me out. 'I miss her'. All of a sudden a man walked in, bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Regina?" He called then walked over to me. I presume Regina is the witch that was trying to get me out. "Bet it's cold in there" he joked.

Suddenly pain shot around my body. My heart started to hurt like something had been taken way from me...(Y\N)! The ice started break sending pieces of it everywhere. The man covered his taking steps back. The ice fully broke my body felt numb for a second,but I shook it off.

I got up to leave,flying away when the man turns to me and shouts "Wait!" I turn to him, waving my hand I send him to skull rock. I don't know how but I know that's where,(Y\N) it. Flying as fast as I could I decide to teleport myself to skull rock,I flew to the window.
(Y\N) started to fall. I quickly dashed to her catching her before she hit the ground.

"Ahhh, Peter you finally escaped. I was wondering when that would happen" Pan laughed.

I looked down at,(Y\N), she smiled up at me; letting out a single tear and closed her eyes, her body lay dead and lifeless. Anger rose in my body. Picking up,(Y\N) I pass her to, Hook. He nods and takes her off me. I turn to the evil me,who's laughing hysterically. Before he could blink I appeared in front of him,smashing him agains the wall.

"Aw have I made you mad" he grins.

Lifting him in the air, I threw him out of the eye of the rock. Taking one last look at,(Y\N) I jump out the window,chasing after him.

"Are you upset now? You see I told you I'm more of a monster than you" he laughs.

I scream; throwing fire at him, each time a miss. Vines came out of the forest pulling him down.

"Seriously? This old trick again" he laughs as the vines pulled him down to the ground.

Flying at him,punching him in the stomach,(Y\N) necklace fell onto the floor.

"I told you this wasn't over and guess what it isn't" I reach into his chest.

"This isn't over" he vanishes.

"No!" I looked around the forest.

I quickly pick up the necklace and zoomed back to the rock. (Y\N) lay on the floor, Hook sat next to her and the others scattered around.

"Pan,did you get her heart?" Hook quickly asks.

I shake my head, walking over to her. I carfully attach the necklace around her neck.

"Why is nothing happening?" Hook questioned.

Suddenly the necklace began to glow. Everyone ran over. The light dimmed back to it's original blue colour. (Y\N) fluttered her (E\C) eyes open then looked up at me then her brother.

"What happened?" She asks sitting up; looking at her brother.

"Long story" he chuckles hugging her.

He slowly helped her up. She turned to me with a surprised look then smiled running over to me; wrapping her arms around my neck.

"I missed you" she whispers in my ear.

"I missed you too".

"So where's evil Pan?" Regina questions.

"I don't know" I tell her,letting go of,(Y\N).

"Firstly let's get out here then we find, Pan then we go home" Emma says turning around and leaving with everyone following her.

"Great plan" Regina mutters.

"Was it cold?" (Y\N) randomly asks.

"What?" I raise a brow.

"In the ice...hey how did you get out?".

"To be honest I don't know".

"Well either way I'm glad your out" she smiles; I lean down,placing my lips on hers.

"Come on" I take her hand,leading her down the stairs to the others.

"Were are we going?" Hook asks me.

"To my camp" I smirks.

"Jolly good" he jokes.

I flick my wrist sending us all back to the island.

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