Chapter four Captured

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A\N. Just want to give a big thanks to DreamyKawaii who helped me decide what to do on this chapter so thank you very much xxx. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Thanks for reading :)

Your POV

Leading everyone down to the bottom of the echo cave,we finally make it. Every part of the cave is dark apart from a glowing block of ice in the middle. I instinctively run over to it,to find inside the block stood a frozen,Peter.

"Peter" I whispers.

"Oh my god, how the hell did he get in their?" Regina groaned.

I banged on the ice over and over again,until a hand grabs my arm. I stop and look up at my brother holding my arm "(Y\N) that's not gonna work,this thing has been created by magic" he tells me "So if I'm correct only magic can break it".

"Stand back let's get this over with" Regina orders, fire in hand.

I quickly step back as her fire ball flys at the ice. Instead of burning the ice it bounced of flying back at,Regina who ducked. It hit a wall and turned into ash.

"Well that didn't work" Emma sighed.

"So what now?" Regina crossed her arms "There's no time for this Henry is in danger and we're stood here trying to unfreeze ice that can't melt by fire. I'm sorry but he can wait Henry is more important let's go" she ordered.

"I'm sorry,(Y\N) but Regina's right Henry is in danger and I don't think he's going anywhere" Emma turned and followed Regina along with everyone else apart from me.

I turned back to Peter; touching my necklace an idea popped into my head. Ripping off my necklace I smash it into the ice with all my strength and power.

"(Y\N) what are you doing?!" Killian yelled. Ignoring him I reach Peter's neck placing the necklace on it. Everyone ran towards me helping my pull out my bright red, nearly blue, arm.

"Are you ok?" My brother asked. I nodded and looked back at the ice. We stared in silence as my necklace began to glow.

"It's working" Snow beamed. The ice began to melt from his head.

"Oh now that's a stupid idea, love" a familiar and annoying voice laughed. Everyone turned to see evil,Pan laughing at us,laughing at me. "You see,(Y\N) now you've not got your necklace...your vulnerable" he laughed hysterically.

Suddenly he vanished to only appear in front of me. "Now your weak" he grabbed me, everything went black, only the sounds of my brother and the others shouting my name.

I woke up in a unfamiliar room. I got up holding my head in pain healing it with my magic.

"Sorry, love didn't mean to knock you out that bad" a sarcastic voice spoke from the corner of the room.

The room is bare apart from the bed,a wardrobe in the corner and a chair in the other. The figure stepped out of the shadows.

"Who would of guessed it was you" I joked.

"Funny. By the way your little plan was a failure" he holds up my necklace.

"No" I whisper.

"Yes. Your an idiot and now without this,your just a weak little girl. I can do anything I like to you now" he smirks.

"Even without my necklace I'm still powerful" I assure him.

"Yes maybe,but this little thing gives you most of your power and now it's mine" he laughs.

"I'm warning you don't put it on if you do it will kill you" I jump up.

"Oh really,why would you tell me that? I'm sure you want me dead".

"I don't want you to die by my necklace. To be honest I don't want you dead. What kind of person would I be if I wanted someone dead".

He slowly approached me; I backed away against the wall. Him now only inches away from me.

"Is that so" he grins, looking down at me.

My heart started racing,feeling his breath on my face sends shivers everywhere around my body.

"Your afraid" he grins.

"I'm not afraid" I mumble.

"I can hear your heart I can feel your breath. Your afraid and you should be. I'm the person you should be most afraid of. Because you see" he places a hand on my chest "you see at any point I can rip out you heart".

"Then do it" I tell him in my bravest voice, because he's right I am afraid.

"What?" He looked at me puzzled.

"You heard me. If you was going to kill me you would have".

"You see girl I like to play games and this is my game,no actually this is your test" he smirks evilly.

"What test?" I ask.

"It's not a particular test I just want to see how brave you are" he lift up his hand with my necklace in "without this".

I quickly reach out to grab it, but failed no thanks to his skills.

"Tut tut,(Y\N) that's not how we play" the necklace disappears into thin air.

He places a hand on the wall next to me,caging me in. "You shouldn't of come back,you should have stayed in the enchanted forest and started a family" he leans in and whispers in my ear "you should have forgotten about, Peter and your brother".

His breath tickles my neck making me shudder. He leans down to my neck, kissing it lightly. My heart raced faster than ever. "Oh how I wish I had someone like you" he moaned placing kisses up and down my neck,then to my cheek and suddenly my lips.

My eye lids dropped slowly as the thought of,Peter popped into my mine. Quickly opening my eyes,realising that this isn't Peter; I push he away.

"Your a feisty one,eh?" He laughed "hmm you are very tasty you know".

"Don't you dare touch me again" I lift my arms.

"You can't hurt me,you see?" He points to my wrist,where a black weaved bracelet sat.

"Wha- No!" I scream.

"Aww poor,weak,defenceless,(Y\N) what are you gonna do?" He walks over to me,pushing me against the wall "And now,(Y\N) this is the time where you should be scared".

"No I'm not scared because I will escape and I will find my brother and I will save Peter and I will not let you stop me" I growl.

"Well I would love to see you try"...

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