Chapter five Pan games

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A\N. Enjoy chapter five everyone. If you have any ideas I would love to here them. Vote,comment and enjoy xxxxxx

Your POV

Opening the door of the tent I snuck out. Stealthily making my way into the forest. Running as fast I could I ran towards the beach. Waves crashed against the sand; spraying me with water. Clouds filled the sky covering the moon making everything dark.

A hand suddenly grasped my waist; pulling me into the air. I screamed as the hand let go of me - sending me falling to the ground. Before I could hit the ground,the hand caught me, bringing me back into the sky. Laugher fills my ears. 'Pan!'.

"Wow,you actually nearly escaped. I'm impressed" he placed me on the beach.

Turning around to look at him I attempted to slap him but before I could touch him he grabs my wrist twisting it around.

"Ow stop it!" I scream.

"Well maybe you shouldn't try to slap me" he let go, looking down at me with an evil grin. Turning around I leave to the bushes.

"And where do you think your going?" He followed,flying next to me.

"I'm going to find my brother,get Peter, save Henry and leave" I inform him.

He laughs "Oh really and how are you gonna do that inside my tent". Before I could blink, I'm walking inside his tent.

"Seriously!" I yell.

"Oh I'm sorry, love" he says sarcastically.

"I'm not going to be able to mess with your plan without magic" I scream.

"Yes maybe but your very entertaining" he smirks "So you can try all you want to escape but it won't work so I suggested you get comfy because this is your new home".

"Fine but don't expect me to be your friend or talk to you or anything" I huff sitting on the bed.

"Fine by me, love I don't mind the silent treatment" he laughed and left.

Magic suddenly filled the tent, glowing different colours then vanished. I ran to the door and tried to open,but it won't budge.


Hooks POV

"We need to save, Henry" Regina yells.

"We need to save my sister" I shout back.

"We need to make a plan" Emma buts in "Ok? before we can save either of them we need to make a plan. I'm sorry, but (Y\N) can take care of herself we need to save Henry".

"No, if Pans smart he would have taken away her magic therefore she's defenceless" I argue.

"Well Henry is the one Pans gonna kill so why don't you go get yourself killed saving your sister and we'll go save Henry" Regina growls.


"No, Hook" Emma turns to me.

"I'm going to save my sister, I'm sorry Emma" I turn and leave, making my way through the forest.

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