Chapter six Pan's plan

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Evil Peters POV

I watched as the adults struggle through the forest. Snow and Charming going in the opposite direction from Henry,slicing through vines and branches. Belfire stumbled around getting closer and closer to the dark one. The saviour and Hook ever so close to find,(Y\N). And the evil queen is...where is she?. I flew all over the island,searching for the queen.

"Where are you?" I mutter. 'How did she get off the island without me knowing...unless she's on the island...'.

"The echo caves" I growled, flying straight there.

I flew to the bottom. And of course the queens there trying to break the ice in many different ways.

"Come on,god damit" she groans.

"Your stupid if you think your magic will break it" I step out of the shadows, strolling towards her.

She turned,her expression full of rage,fire filled her hands.

"Chill,you majesty" I lift my hands up with a smirk.

"What have you done with my son and Hooks sister?" She questioned.

"Oh there both safe...well for now that is".

"Give him back" she screamed.

"" I raise my brow and smirk at the now frustrated queen.

"You know what,Pan you may be powerful but so am I" she growls and threw her ball of fire at me, I dodge jumping over it.

Again she continues to throw many of them at me,each time a miss,until her anger became to much. Both of her hands created an impressive giant ball of fire. Lifting it in the air she throws it at me. I barely manage to dodge it,appearing behind her.

"Wow your rage really gets out the power in you".

She turns around, slapping me.

"Ow" I sarcasticly say turning to the the magnificent block of ice.

"Your seriously getting on my nerves. Let him go as well as, Henry and (Y\N)" she orders.

"No I won't. This is Peter's punishment and Henry is doing me a great favour and (Y\N) well she's just a little bit of fun...if ya know what I mean?" I laugh.

"You sick bastard" she curses.

"Oh, Regina control your temper. Anyway I've got things to do, people to see. Have fun breaking the ice" I smirk, flying out the cave and to the camp.

"Is it time?" Felix rushes over to me.

"Soon my friend soon".

Hooks POV

"This is hopeless were never gonna find her, Pans to smart" I sigh.

"Don't give up, Hook we will find her and then Henry. We will save Peter and leave all of us together back to Storybrook, ok?" She turned to me.

"Ok" I answer.

"Great now let's get moving". She leads the way through the forest taking lefts and rights.

"We're lost " I tell her.

"No we're not" she argues stopping and turning to me.

"Yes we are, do you have any idea were we are?" I tilt my head.

"Of course I do" she looks around "ok we're lost".

"Well then your very dumb" a voice mocked,standing behind me.

"What do you want, boy?" I growl.

"Jeez don't need to be so mean, Captain" he jokes "Your all idiots you know,splitting up on an island like this,bad choice. Firstly your nowhere near your sister, secondly you lost and thirdly you look like lost puppies" he chuckles.

"So why are you here? To gloat?" Emma questions.

"Yeah it's quiet funny to watch you all" he admits.

"Where's my sister?" I ask.

"You keep asking me that and should know by now that your now gonna get an answer" I sigh.

"If your not gonna help us then go away" Emma spat.

"Chill, love I'm going. I'm going to check on everyone else" with that he vanishes.

"When I get my hand on him I'm gonna kill him" I clench my fist.

"And I'll help you" Emma jokes.

"That's fine by me" I laugh.

"Come on let's try and find the others".

Your POV

Getting up I notice a glass of water on the sidetable. Grabbing it I launch it at the wall. It shattered into tiny pieces of glass.

"Seriously?" Pan asks flying through the window. With a flick of his wrist the glass disappeared.

"Go away" I yell.

"Calm down" he jumps on the bed,a giant grin on his face.

"Why are you so happy?" I question.

"Well I'm glad you asked,soon all of this will be over. And because I'm nice I'm going to give your friends access off the island".

"Well that's nice,does that include Henry?"

"Oh no, Henry is part of my plan,but they can have him when I'm done. It just means they'll have to set up a funeral" he laughs.

"WHAT!" I raise my voice.

"Shhhhh, love" he holds his ears, smirking.

"Your going to kill that boy, what kind of person does that?"

"I do, but you see it's for a good cause" he jumps up.

"And what is that?" I take a step back.

"In order for me to live the boy must die. So therefore he is making a big sacrifice for me" he explains.

"Your so selfish" I mumble.

"Oh don't be mad sweetheart" he says in a mocking voice.

"What about me and Peter?"

"No you've had your chance of freedom. So he will stay frozen in ice and you my dear" he walks up to me, holding me by the waist tightly "And you will stay here".

"Don't expect me to care for you".

"Oh my dear you'll learn to love me" he whispers in my ear.

"Trust me,love I won't" I push him back.

"We'll see about that" he smirks,vanishing and appearing behind me "Magic can be persuasive, love". "

Don't you dare" I growl.

"All in good time my dear, all in good time"...

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