Chapter thirteen Storybrook

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Your POV

"We're leaving now, are you ready?" my brother asks in a calm tone. I nod, hugging my knees tightly. "Are you ok?" He questions. I look up from my knees and nodded. "I hate seeing you this way" he sighs deeply "Things will get better, sister I promise".

He leaves,closing the door without a single squeak. Leaning against the wall,I look down at my necklace, glowing a blood red colour as well as pink and grey. I sigh, a tear rolls down my cheek. Letting it fall it lands on my hand.

"Awww, heart broken" a voice sighs. I spring up off the bed to find...Peter?.

"Wait...what ar...which Pan" I look at his wrist, realising it isn't,Peter "You shouldn't be here" I growl.

"I know, but Neverland is boring me, so I thought 'why not go to this, Storybrooke everyone's talking about'. So here I am" he grins.

"Your going to kill yourself and Peter and me" I scowl.

"Well I'm sure he'll find me and if he doesn't we can die together" he walks over to me pushing me against a wall, looking down at me with a grin. "Awww are you afraid girl?" He questions with a chuckle.

"Of you...not" I reply.

"Well you should be. You may be powerful but so am I. We're alone if you haven't realised so I can do anything I want with you" he flicks his wrist and the sound of a lock is heard.

"Back off" I warn.

"Why? What are you going to do?" He smirks, leaning closer and closer to me. Looking down at my lips then at the rest of my body. "You are very delicious, did you know that?" He smirks.

"Don't touch me" I growl, my necklace glowed sea green. He slowly reaches out to it. The colour died away until it was black. "What did you do?" I question, looking at my necklace.

"Making sure nothing got in my way" he laughs.

"My necklace may not be able to protect me,but I can" I flick my wrist, making the rope of my curtains wrap around his neck.

"You can't do it, your weak" he laughs hysterically. 'He's right I can't kill him'. I sigh, letting the ropes drop to the ground. "My,my you have gotten powerful" he strolls over to me,placing a hand on my waist.

A weird sensation filled my body making me feel powerless. "I have things to do. I'll see you soon...Love". He slowly tugs at my dress sleeve,pulling it down. He leans forward kissing my neck downwards,then sucks on my chest. My heart raced with...I don't know FEAR!

He smirks,coming back up to my lips,he placed a long passionate kiss. He smiles, satisfied and leaves through the window. The sound of the lock unlocking is heard. I look down at my chest to reveal a giant red mark. Tears rolled down my face. I cover up the mark and wiped away my tears.

"(Y\N) were here" Killian calls. I give a weak smile to myself in the mirror and made my way to the deck.

"There you are" my brother smiles "Welcome to Storybrooke" .

"Wow it's weird" I say looking at all the different coloured buildings in front of me.

"Yeah, come on" he takes my hand,pulling my off the boat,onto the docks.

"This is, Belle" he introduces.

"Oh hello" she smiles.

"Belle this is my sister,(Y\N)".

"Oh,it's very nice to meet you" she shakes my hand.

"Likewise" I smile.

"Come on we'll show you around" Henry shouts from the end of the dock.

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