Chapter fourteen Peters vision

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Peters POV

"She's fine brother" Luke reassures me.

"Yeah, but where is my double ganger? What's he up to?" I sigh sitting on a log in front of the fire.

"Maybe he's dead" he jokes.

"Don't you dare say that,if he's dead then she's..." I trail off.

"Ok, ok sorry but if you want to find him then your gonna have to look harder" he says sternly.

"What do you think I've been doing" I yell.

"Calm down" he waves his hand.

"Ok, sor-" a sudden pain shot up my body.

"Brother?" Luke shouts standing up. I scream in pain, as it shoots everywhere in my body. "Brother!" Luke yells, running to my side. It felt like a knife stabbing me in every part of my body. Suddenly everything went dark...

I slowly opened my eyes to find I'm no longer in Neverland but on a ship. A familiar ship. Hooks ship. I appear to be in a room '(Y\N)!'.

"We're leaving now, are you ready?" Hook asks in a calm tone. She nod, hugging her knees. "Are you ok?" He questions. She looks up and nod. "I hate seeing you this way" he sighs deeply "Things will get better, sister I promise".

He leaves, closing the door. Leaning against the wall, she look down at her necklace, glowing a red colour as well as pink and grey. She sighs a tear rolls down her cheek. I reach out to wipe away her tear but I can't move, only watch.

"Awww, heart broken" a voice sighs mockingly. She jumps up off the bed. I look around to see..Pan. Anger boils through my body.

"Wait...what ar...which Pan" she asks but soon realising it isn't me "You shouldn't be here" she growl.

"I know but Neverland is boring me so I thought 'why not go to this, Storybrooke everyone's talking about'. So here I am" he grins.

"Your going to kill yourself and Peter and me" She scowls.

"Well I'm sure he'll find me and if he doesn't we can die together" he walks over to her pushing her against a wall looking down at with a grin. Rage filled me; I clenched my fist with anger that I can't move to help her.

"Awww are you afraid girl?" He questions with a chuckle.

"Of" she answers.

"Well you should be. You may be powerful,but so am I. We're alone if you haven't realised,so I can do anything I want with you" he flicks his wrist and the sound of a lock is heard.

"Don't you dare touch her!"I yell but no one heard.

"Back off" she warn.

"Why? What are you going to do?" He smirks leaning closer and closer to her. Looking down at her lips then at the rest of her body. "You are very delicious, did you know that?" He smirks.

"Don't touch me" she growl,her necklace glowed sea green. He slowly reaches out to it. The colour died away until it was black. "What did you do?" She question,looking at the necklace.

"Making sure nothing got in my way" he laughs.

"My necklace may not be able to protect me but I can" She flick my wrist, making the rope of the curtains wrap around his neck.

"You can't do it, your weak" he laughs hysterically. She sighs,letting the ropes drop to the ground. "My,my you have gotten powerful" he strolls over to her, placing a hand on her waist. The atmosphere felt weird. He mutters a spell that made,(Y\N) weak and powerless. "I have things to do. I'll see you soon...Love".

He slowly tugs at her dress sleeve, pulling it down. He leans forward kissing her neck downwards,then sucks on her chest.

"I will kill you when I get my hands on you" I tell him, unable to look away.

He smirks coming back up to her lips he places a long passionate kiss. He smiles, satisfied and leaves through the window. The sound of the lock unlocking is heard. She looks down at her chest to reveal a giant red mark. Tears rolled down her face. She covers up the mark and wipes away her tears.

"(Y\N) were here" Hook calls. She give a weak smile to herself in the mirror and left.

"Brother!" Luke screams shaking me awake. All the lost boys circled around the camp,staring at me.

"What happened?" I asked,trying to sit up.

"Well,you started screaming then blacked out and well now your awake. Here let me help you" he helped me sit up.

"Pans not here. He um...he's in Storybrooke" I tell everyone.

"How do you know that?" Felix questions.

"I just found out then" I reply.

"So you think he's there because you dreamt it?" He smirks.

"Can you leave" Luke growl. Felix raises his hand and left. "Go on brother,what happened?"

He turns back to me. "I don't know if it was a dream, a vision or something but it was so real" I exclaim.

"Ok, so I guess we're going to Storybrooke" he smiles turning to the boys. Some smiles and some frown.

"But what if I'm wrong?" I sigh.

"Your not I trust you" he smiles "now rest,we'll set off in a bit". He helps me up taking me to my tent and lying me down on the bed.

"Thank you...Luke".

"Your welcome,Peter" he leaves. I close my eyes letting sleep take me.


"So we have the sofa,the chair air bed or if it's ok with, Emma you can have her bed" Snow smiles glancing at Emma.

"Sure" she jumps up,showing me up some stairs to her bedroom. "Here you can stay here" she smiles.

"Are you sure because I'll be fine with sofa thingy" I point down the stairs.

"No it's fine. The sofa isn't very comfy".

"I've slept on worse, trust me" I smile.

"I'll see you tomorrow. Don't worry your safe here" she skips away down the stairs. I sat on the bed. 'Wow this is extremely comfy'. I lie down on the bed; snuggling into the sheets. I flop down onto the pillow.

"Are you comfy?" an amused familiar voice asks. I turn my head to be greeted by...Pan.

"Get out" I whisper.

"Don't worry they can here us" he smirks "Magic is a powerful thing to have. It's funny how they think they can stop me. How they thought you were safe here just because the saviour is here. To be honest she is powerful,but doesn't know how to use her magic,therefore useless" He wonders around the room. I slowly got off the bed,attempting to run down the stairs. "And where do you think your going?" He laughs; the sheets wrapped around my stomach, tying me on the bed.

"Let me go!" I scream.

"Ok" the sheets loosen and I'm set free. I jump up and slapped him in the face "Oh,love that not nice" he smirks.

"What do you want?" I growl.

"I want to tell you something" he pushes me on the bed "I want to tell you not to get happy here because soon you and every fairy tale character here will be going back to the Enchanted Forest".

"How are you going to-".

"Magic" he cuts me off.

"OK now you've told me,leave" I growl.

"Feisty" he crouches in front of me "Ok, love". He places his lips on mine before vanishing. I rub my temples and lay back down, falling into a deep sleep.

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