A Week Well Needed (Fiolee)

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"Ice Queen! Ugh! Hop off dude!!" Fiona yelled at the queen carrying the petty pink prince in her arms. 

"Let him go!" She demanded, running after her.

"No! You get all the hot babes, Prince Gumball's mine!" Her voice crackling.

"Ugh! You can't just HAVE a person ugh, Ice Queen." During every word she flew her sword around trying to at least touch this cold hearted woman.

"Ahhh, my leg!!" The queen yelled graving her ankle and winced at the pain, dropping the prince in the process.

"Gotcha!" Fiona giggled as she caught the fallen boy.

"Why thank you Fiona." Gumball said a he dusted his outfit off.

"Anytime." She grinned.

"I would like to properly thank you with a ball in your name." He stated giddy like.

"Oh there's no need Gumball really... You throw enough parties as is, you don't need one just for me!" Fiona assured him.

"Oh but Fiona it's not just any celebration,"

"I-it's not...?" The human girl questioned him.

"Why of course! Don't you know Fiona dear? It's your 500th mission!!" He waved his arms in the air.


"It's been five hundred already...?" Cake asked, stirring her broth.

"Yeah that's what I said! I don't know how he even remembered that off the top of his head like that." Fiona rolled on her back on their comfy couch. 

"I mean I'm only 16. How did I manage to accomplish 500!?" She put her hands over her closed eyes, almost angry at the fact of another party. 

"Can't he wait till I have one thousand or something?!" Taking her hands off her face instantly and shooting them up in the air in frustration.

"Why don't you want to go to the party Babycakes?" The cat asked spicing up her soup.

"Where there is a party, there is people. Where there is people, there is food. Where there is food, there are sweets. Where there are sweets, there is sugar. Cake if I look at another cupcake or brownie I think I might throw up. Just by smelling one I might get diabetes!!" She rolled over, her face embedded into a nearby pillow.

Her sister just chuckled at her. "Then don't eat the cake." Making up a simple solution to her problem.

"It's not even that. It's the dancing, and the speeches, and the talking, and the questions, and the- ugh just everything! Can't I stay home? Just once. One day in my life can I stay home... And do NOTHING? Is it really to much to ask? Glob!!" Fiona mumbled hateful words into her pillow of anger. While Cake continued to stir her soup and chuckle at her younger sister's resentfulness.

"Tell you what Hun," Fiona's ears perked up. 

"You go to this shindig tonight, and for the whole rest of the week you get to have the house to yourself?"

"Really!?!?" The girl jumped for joy.

"Yeah, besides me and Lord M haven't had alone time in a while. What with all the adventuring, and him with Prince Gumball... So it would be nice to get out for once." 

Fiona ran over to her furry sister and gave her a great big bear hug spinning her around in circles.

"Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! THANK YOU!!" Grinning ear from ear.

"Come now, it's time for dinner."

A Week Well Needed (Fiolee)Where stories live. Discover now