These white walls

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These white walls

They trap me here in darkness
Consumed by despair
Every single day I'm left here
four walls, a ceiling, a floor
Nothing else
no sun, no window, no door

A faint of light shown on the wall
The only way I know it's white
The aurora of the light
It with fade with time
Leaving me to this
Nothing but, eternity darkness

I'm alone but someones watching
The light comes back
I feel alive
The darkness is seeping into me
I cringe and Fall to my knees
The darkness comes back

I awaken to see nothing
I need something
Mess with the wall like tamper
I feel strong again
Then the darkness seeps
I grab it and throw it

The wall cracks and breaks
Only pieces of the rumble
They slowly take shape
I pass by the rumble
I say "Bye anxiety"
I leave the white walls
into the white light I fall

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