28 Happily ever after? I think not.

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I continued staring into his eyes all of ELA until the bell rang.
He only looked up when the bell rang ignoring my flirtatious stares.
Rose was in the hallway and waved.
She had a nervous scared look on her face and didn't wave back at me but she did give me glance and quickly looked away.
"Uh Rose?"
She didn't respond so I started getting closer.
I heard her talking to someone else being the wall.
Someone in a dark hoodie grabbed her hand.
They took her behind the wall.
I saw Rose portray an evil grin and I knew something was up.
I snuck around the corner and saw something beyond my own broken imagination.
My girlfriend kissing another girl.
Her eyes opened wide and looked my way.
She pushed Jasmine away.
"We're done Bloom."
"W-what are you talking about?"
"I know you like James and I don't want to be with you if your not as crazy about me as I am for you."
"I understand....."
"I hope there's no hard feelings, I was going to tell you later after school.
Sorry you had to find out this way."
"It's ok I understand....."
I sadly sunk into the floor and walked back to my locker.
My heart was literally just crushed.
My drops of water began to fall from my eyes and I hid my head in my locker.
My shoulders shook and I stepped back and grabbed my binder before the last bell rang so I wouldn't be late to my final class.
I felt hands dig into my shoulders and I began to relax.
His soft voice helped calm my nerves and I turned around and saw James standing there.
"I heard what happened with you and Ro-"
I cut him off.
"Don't even say her name."
I laughed and wiped away a single tear.
"I'll see you after class."
He scanned my body, licked his lips, and walked to class.
After my math teacher went on and on about constant proportionality and algebra I zoned out a started thinking.
I'm free.....
Rose ditched me James ditched me.
But what now.......?
Really what now......
"Hey beautiful."
I turned around and smiled.
"Hey James."
He wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me off my feet.
"You know that whole me liking Jasmine thing was fake..... Right?"
I flushed embarrassed.
"I love you Bloom."
Now I bet I know what your thinking....
Happily ever after right?
Think again.
I was I felt my right sleeve of my hoodie pulled and someone pulled me behind the wall.
They pushed their sweet lips against mine.
A soft whisper left their lips.
"You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into."

The Girl With Locker Number 854 [ girl x girl ]Where stories live. Discover now