9 Why me? Why her? Why us?

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Authors note: This chapter is in Rose's POV!

After waiting in line for the bathroom for an hour I searched the gym for Bloom, but I couldn't find her.
Would I be a bad friend to say she was being shady?
Because she was.
A lot.
I gradually walked into the different hallways and waiting at the end of the 8th grade hallway wall none other than her best friend Jewelina.
"Oh heyyyyyyyyyyyyyy....... Rose..."
I could tell she was nervous because her voice when up 3 octaves and she actually put social media to rest for once in her entire life.
Jewels started weirdly making signals or looking at someone in that hallways so I stepped forward and tried to look but Jewels was blocking my view.
"Who are you talking to?"
Jewels nervously started twirling her hair not saying anything and after a few seconds she randomly stormed off.
Then I saw who she was talking to.
I stayed behind the wall creeping over the hallway watching her every move.
She silently slid a small note through my locker with her nervous shaky hands.
She sighed and slid down the wall next to my locker.
"My god..... When will I be able to tell her the truth?
I don't know how long I can keep this up...."
She stood up and started heading my way so I stepped back hoping she wouldn't see me.
I rushed back into the gym through the hall hoping it looked like I had been there the whole time even though Jewels would probably tell her everything that happened.
Why am I suddenly so interested in Bloom?
How come suddenly I feel this rush when she says my name?
Her eyes seem to sparkle when the moonlight hits them,
And her beautiful caramel hair flows on a windy autumn night.....
Why is this happening to me?
Why me?
Why her?
Why us?
I'm not sure.....
But I have a few ideas......
And sure enough....
She does too.

The Girl With Locker Number 854 [ girl x girl ]Where stories live. Discover now