6 Its the truth

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We happened to have gym class together and I happened to be the last person without a partner. What a surprise......
But, so was she.
We had to through a baseball back and forth using gloves for pretty much the entire period so that gave me tons of time awkwardly help her come up with who her secret admirer was.
But it was me.
"Hey Bloom?"
"What up?"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Um sure?"
"Well I just well I uh.... Never mind."
"Come on you can't just leave me hanging Rose, what did you want to tell me?"
She stood there not saying a word until the bell rang.
We awkwardly passed the ball back and forth until the coach told us to go inside so we could change before the bell rang. I was super tired so I slouched and speed walked, I had lunch next so it wouldn't matter if I was late. Rose speed ahead awkwardly with a piece of paper in her hand looking back at me every once in a while. I exhilarated forwards trying to figure out what in the heck she was doing. Not before long she was inside the building leaving me on the pavement. I kept running until finally I was panting in the locker room as I saw her perfect dark hair sway out the door. I decided to ignore her because she would have to tell me eventually, right?
I twirled the lock left and right until it cracked open and a note fell to my feet.
It was folded into a small piece of paper with words on the front that read:

In case I'm too scared to tell Bloom the truth

I didn't bother changing out of my gym clothes and I grabbed my stuff and ran the opposite way trying to catch up with Rose. Finally I saw her.
"Rose!" She turned to look at me and stopped in her tracks.
"What is this?" I pointed to her note.
"It's the truth."
And with that the bell rang and she was gone.

The Girl With Locker Number 854 [ girl x girl ]Where stories live. Discover now