27 Imperfect

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I had first period with Jasmine and as usual she was relatively shy.
She combed her anxious fingers through her hair reading her book.
I slid a small piece of paper onto her desk that read.

Meet me behind the brick wall at the bus port.
We need to talk ASAP.

She read the note, looked up and nodded.
I walked to the back of the class to find my seat.
After the bell rang I made my way around the rest of my classes until finally lunch came around.
Most of my friends I had lunch with.
Our table consisted of myself, Jewels, Allison, Marcus, Eve, Jessica and James sat with his other friends at the next table.
Then at the table across the room from ours was where the mysterious Jasmine Samantha Doudy.
I couldn't figure out why but part of me thought that she was out to get me,
Or someone I loved.
I had my next period with James, Rose, and Jasmine and ironically today we all got brand new seats.
I sat next to James and across from me was Jasmine who sat next to Rose.
Jasmines hands shook nervously and my feet tapped the floor with anxiety. James tried to call me by pushing down on my shoulder but it only made me more nervous.
Jasmine gave Rose a flirty smile and jealous filled me up from my feet to my scalp.
My hands squeezed my chair trying not to get mad.
She was flirting,
James was also getting jealous I could tell.
He gave Rose a long stare and she picked up what he was saying.
It was a love square sorta.
Jasmine liked Rose who liked me and I liked Rose and James and James liked Jasmine.
My goodness.
Jasmine was surprisingly flirty considering she was one of the shyest girls in school.
Next I had art again.
We continued sketching and then the teacher said it.
"Time to trace your subjects!"
She gave us a large piece of cardboard and I was supposed to trace him.
I began using a marker to trace around James and ended up getting blue market all over his hands and jeans.
Afterward he stood up and smiled.
"You know I told you not to change."
He retaliated.
"That was who I was inside. That was me.
But it was the part of me that's meant to be inside.
This is me on the outside,
And it always will be."
I laughed scanning his scrawny body.
"I am what's inside of me."
"Oh trust me your not."
"Excuse me?"
"On the outside your miss perfect, miss confident.
But on the inside your sensitive, your caring, your kind, your smart, your nervous and worried, and your imperfect, and I admire that you aren't afraid to show that."
He bent down to tie his sneaker and the bell rang.

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