15 Oh crap

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After that horrible incident I was probably having one of the worst days of my life,
I just needed to sit down and breathe.
I sat down in my chair for ELA and the worst possible thing that could possibly happen happened I remember I sat next to
He smiled at me with his adorable braced teeth and I smiled back.
We were partners so we had to work on a question on the worksheet the teacher had passed out together.
He quickly gave me the answer even though we both know I knew the answer so he could have a conversation with me.
"Hey Bloom."
"I was wondering...."
"Are the rumors true?"
I froze.
What the heck was he talking about.
"W-what rumors?"
I nervously scratched the back of my neck hoping he wasn't talking about what I thought he was.
"Are you bisexual?"
What was I supposed to say now?
Was I supposed to be intimidated by his adorable braces lisp, cute messy hair,
And geeky attitude?
Probably not.
But was I?
Because he was adorable. 
"Um yes? Do you have any problem with that?"
"No it's cool."
Dodged a bullet.
"But what does it mean?"
I served myself a well deserved face palm.
"It means half gay."
He laughed.
"Sorry I just thought it meant something way worse.
Like you had some kind of cancer or something sorry."
That should be offensive but how could you be mad at a boy that cute.
The English teacher told us to pull out our books and read for the rest of the period so I pulled out my book and he pulled out his and we read.
Then right before the bell rang.
He grabbed my hand slowly and nervously with his shaky sweaty hands,
And I held his hand back,
And I have a girlfriend,
And I'm holding hands with my former crush.......
Oh crap.

The Girl With Locker Number 854 [ girl x girl ]Where stories live. Discover now