8 To: The most beautiful girl I've ever seen

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"Hey Rose!"
I waved to her and she waved back.
"Yes finally your here I've been waiting!"
"Well your the only one of my friends coming...."
Rose seemed pissed.
"What happened?"
"Nina's sick and everyone else got in a huge fight and let's just say I'm down a few friends."
"Oh sorry that sucks but c'mon, I'm gonna make sure your gonna have the best night of your life."
The girls linked arms and skipped into the building.
Rosabella mumbled something under her breath and smiled.
She new she was about to have the time of her life.
Even if it didn't go as she planned.
I entered the building linking arms with my true love hoping she felt the same way.
We got into the gym which was where the dance was being held.
Rose went to go get us punch and I called Jewels to find her.
Before the phone rang once more a felt hands cover my eyes.
I smirked and confidently said:
"I know it's you Jewels."
We laughed together and she grabbed my hand taking me into an empty art classroom.
"So do you have the note?!"
She squealed.
"Yes I have the not-.... Hey rose....."
Rose walked in and cut me off.
Jewels awkwardly nodded and ran off back into the gym.
"Watch are you doing in here.....? I've been looking for you!"
"Oh uh- I was just, um, LOOKING FOR MY PHONE!"
"..... it's in your hand ......"
"Right, I found it.... Now let's go!"
I dragged Rose out in to the gym where I was greeted by the causal jerks that are never at most of these parties because their too busy "watching sports" or whatever those idiots did when they weren't not paying attention in class.
"Hey Bloom I heard you made the cheerleading squad, oops wrong girl, I didn't see your face, gross."
"I heard you made the basketball team.... oh wait maybe it was your brother, he called from the zoo..... GIRAFFE NECK!"
I smirked and he walked away confused as to how I could make such a great comeback.
Rose high fived me and we walked over to the requests.
There were 2 sections one that read "party songs" the other read "slow songs".
I filled out slow songs with my favorite song.
That song that makes me want to kiss her beautiful soft lips, watch her freckled cheeks turn rosy pink, and watch those beautiful deep brown eyes light up like the moon.
She excused herself to go use the bathroom and I saw that, yes! It was an extremely long line.
I stopped Jewels flirting with few random guys and pulled her aside to tell her it was finally time.
We sneaked past the supervisors easily and made it to her locker.
I took the piece of lined paper and slipped it through her locker.
It was one of the deepest things I had ever written.

To: The most beautiful girl
I've ever seen
Love: The one in the shadows you would never see coming
Dearest Rosabella,
Tonight you will see me but you won't see me as I do but I sincerely hope that one day you see me as me because truly I would really love that.
Like I love you.
My sweet love one day you may know who I am and maybe I am who I thought you were all along,
And you just don't know it.

The Girl With Locker Number 854 [ girl x girl ]Where stories live. Discover now