21 His Father

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The weekend seemed to go quickly until I realized those missed calls had been coming from James.
He said today was the day I would meet his father.
I skateboarded over to the address he sent and it led to the middle of the forest. 
I shivered and he gave me his leather jacket.
He put his arm around me and continued dragging me until we came to a clearing.
And in that clearing.....
Was a cemetery.
He brought me over a small grave stone surprised by white followers.
"Bloom.... T-this is my d-dad."
His lips trembled when he talked and I couldn't tell if it's was because he was cold or still grieving.
We stayed and talked to James' father for hours until it began to get dark and I had to go home.
He walked me to my house and he stopped at the door.
"Thank you Bloom."
"What for?"
"Let's just say the last four girls that met my father thought I was crazy."
"But your not, you were just introducing them to your father. They should be respectful."
"But really thank you."
I smiled and nodded.
He leaned in and before I knew it our lips were touching for milliseconds before my dad opened the door.
"Mr. Tall nice to meet-"
My dad cut him off awkwardly.
"Nice to meet you too sport thank you for getting our daughter home safely and goodnight!"
James walked off back to his house.
I went upstairs to continue writing my book on Wattpad when I realized it was getting late so I had to let my eyes close and my shoulders relax and deeply feel asleep.
All I know is that my dream conceded of one main scene.
The room was dark and I felt warm hands cover my neck.
I could feel his breath on my neck and he nuzzled his head in my shoulder.
"I love you Bloom,
I just wish I could tell you."
I woke up hot and sweating.
Was that a sign?
I kept intensely breathing until 5 minutes later my alarm went off.
Ugh Monday's.
I slouched and got out of bed and threw on a small cute flowery top and black leggings.
I added a flower crown and some high top converse to make top off my outfit.
Today was the day we got new classes and I had art.
After the 3rd period bell I walked with Jewels to our art class.
We had to work in groups of 7 to create a meaningful piece of art that was 5 feet tall at the minimum.
Our team was Myself, Jewels, James, Marcus, Eve, Piper, and two other girls that Jewels somehow knew. It was great that all out friends had a class together but like why 7.
I don't even know these people.
"Why don't we all gather around and introduce ourselves?"
Jewels smiled at me and I nodded.
"I'm Bloom."
"Hello everyone I'm James."
"Names Eve."
"Hi I'm Piper."
I'm Allison."
Jessica was about the same height as me with tanned skin and dark brown hair.
She wore tight oval shaped glasses that complemented her brown eyes.
Allison had fair perfect skin with hazel eyes and dirty blonde hair that fell perfectly over her shoulders.
She too had glasses.
"So are we ready to get to work?"
"Alright class your project should be based off of one person in the group.
You will take a picture of their back towards the camera and paint true words that this person has been called by someone else or themselves.
Make it someone that has maybe gone through a traumatic experience.
This project is all about inspiration, self love, and hope so try to keep things positive."
James stood up from his chair making little noise almost being drowned out by the other students.
He sighed and looked at me.
"I volunteer."

The Girl With Locker Number 854 [ girl x girl ]Where stories live. Discover now