Escape Death (jason todd x reader) chapter 1

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Your p.o.v. :

You opened your e/c eyes just to close them as soon as possible. There was a bright light shining in your eyes so you couldn't see anything. You tried to remember what happened. You remember walking to the foster home after school and... nothing. You can't remember anything that happened after then. Okay calm down. Don't panic. Try to remember. Still nothing. You still can't remember what happened. You suddenly hear laughter from another room. You dare to open your eyes and after a minute your eyes are used to the light. You are in a dirty and smelly room. You feel that your arms are tied behind your back and that your legs are also tied up. Every muscle in your body hurts and you have an huge wound in your stomach. Around you lie other people. They're all tied up just like you and some of them are awake and the others sleep. You look at the man next to you... who's not breathing! You try to scream but you can't get a sound out your mouth. Suddenly a door that you hadn't noticed opened and there step a long thin figure out. It was a man with green hair and a paper white skin. He turns around and you want to scream! His smile was unnaturally big, his cheeks were cut in a smile. His big white eyes looked extremely happy over the dead people and his smile became even bigger when he noticed you and the others who were awake. He laughs and you get goose bumps all over your body. Fear takes your entire body over and you start to shake. 'Ladies and gentlemen.... We're tonight's entertainment' says the Joker before he laughs again. He looks at you and frowns, at far as possible with his wounds. He walks to you slowly and you try to crawl back, but you're too tied up. 'Smile girl, says he, Or I'll put a smile on your pretty little face...' You look the man afraid in the eyes, when he suddenly turns around and walks towards a camera. He aims the camera at you & the others and the insane laughter starts again. Just when you realise that you probably won't live for much longer, you hear a window break. A tall dark figure kicks the joker to the other side of the room and orders the teen next to him to free the hostages. The teen walks towards you and cuts the ropes around your wrist and legs loose, allowing you to stand up. 'Free the others' says the teen while handing you the knife. You nodded and start to free the other people. While you were freeing people the dark haired teen runs towards the dark figure to help him fight, but he get blocked by a woman with a huge mallet. The woman tries to hit him, but he dodges and kicks her in her stomach. You freed the last hostages and you run towards the door. You open the door and help the others out the building. You were the only teen or child. The police stands outside the building and helps the victims. An older man with a white moustache walks towards you, he looks worried. 'Are you hurt?' he asked worried, on his chest was a golden star. It was the commissioner. You had the feeling that you could not talk because you were shaking on your legs, so you simply nodded in response. 'Could you tell me what happened in there?' he asked nicely but also demanding. You open your mouth to answer and you're surprised that you could answer. It was almost a whisper, but you answered. 'J-joker.. he captured us.' Suddenly you remember everything... You were walking home from school when you saw a group of older boys ahead. Not wanting to cross them you went through the park. You escaped the boys, but you walked straight into the jokers arms. Literally. 'okay calm down' says the man. Your hart pounds in your chest and you try to calm down. After a few seconds your breathing slowly. 'How did you escape' asked the commissioner. 'B-Batman.. Batman and Robin saved us.' You say and when the words left your mouth you realise something. 'They're still in there! With the Joker! We need to do something!' you jump of the stretcher and want to walk in the building, but a strong arm keeps you where you are. The commissioner stops you. Suddenly there's a huge explosion that blow you back. You can feel your warm blood dripping from a wound somewhere above your eye. You open your eyes and you push the stones of your body. You turn around and start getting stones of the commissioner. Luckily he's alright and you two were the only ones close enough to the building to get hurt. Then you remember Batman and Robin. You turn around to look for them, but as soon as you were turned you looked into the jokers crazy and messed up eyes. He grasp your arms and aims a gun at your head. 'Nobody moves or I'll shoot this girls pretty little head of her pretty little body!' he yells and pulls you back into the shadows with him. 'Batsie!....... Baaaatsieee...... Where are youuuu?????' He forced you to walk into another building while he holds your painfully high against your back. You stumble into a dark room. You can't see anything, but you don't need to you can smell the gasoline. The smell hurts your nose. The insane clown forces you to walk the stair up. You fell while trying and he just laughs. After what seemed an eternity, you reached the roof. Joker pulled the gun closer to your head. He pushes you to the edge and just when he wants to push you of the roof, you hear the sound of someone walking behind you. Your hart pounds in your throat, your live was in jokers hands. If he let go you would be dead. 'Batsie!.. I'm so happy that you could come, because , as you can see, I have a present for you' says joker while pointing at you. 'let the girl go Joker' says batman. 'ow Batsie batsie.... Bad choice of words...' says joker while letting you go....

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