How did this ever start?

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after seeing Cole jump over the side, I start to flip out.


"You didn't drive him away... Coles just being sensitive." Kai tried


"No you didn't! Cole, is just having a moment."


"Tessa just calm down... He'll come back sooner or later..."


Kai starts to get bugged.

"Okay, fine maybe he won't!" He said calmly


"Yeah, okay... Just calm down for a bit, okay? "

I sigh "fine."

Kai puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Come on, lets go to the training ground. You can smash all the dummies you want to let out your anger."

I smile, and rush off to the training ground on the main deck.

Kai follows soon after, and sets the dummies up.

This is gonna be fun!!


Twenty minutes later


"Well... I guess it's time for a break..." I say after watching Tessa pulverize the last dummy to pieces.

"What? Why?" She asks seeming disappointed

"You smashed all the dummies..."

"Did not!"

I point behind me to a pile of dummy parts.

"Okay.... Maybe I did..."

"Come on, lets go to the bridge! I'll have jay fix the dummies later." I say and walk to the bridge with Tessa tailing behind me.

In the bridge we find Nya and Jay.... Arguing?

"I said no Jay!" Nya said firmly

"Come on Nya!! Pleeeaaaaasssssssseeeeeee!?"

"No I'm not lending you the money!!" She finally yelled, and turned back to controlling the ship.

Jay gave up and walked out of the bridge.

"What was that about?" Tessa asked

"Jay wanted another loan, and he still hasn't paid me back for the last two times..." Nya said.

"Why can't jay just find his own money?" I say, pointing out the obvious.

"I don't know.... Would you guys go get Cole for me? I need his help with something." We forgot, Nya, jay, Zane, Lloyd, and sensei didn't know about Cole jumping.

"He jumped over the side of the ship, and now we don't know where he is..." Tessa explained

"What? Why!? What did jay do!?" Nya yelled

"Jay didn't do anything..." I look at Tessa. "Cole was eavesdropping when I was talking to Tessa about getting back together with him."

"And he overheard? What did you guys say?"

Tessa looked at the ground as if she didn't want to talk.

"Tessa told me she couldn't relay on her powers to help her decide, so I have her the best advice I could. I told her that going out with the same person more than once lowers the chance of the couple surviving and that going back out with Cole, might not work."

Nya thought for a minute. "I think you're right Kai!"

I nodded happily.

"I'd listen to Kai Tessa! He's never been right before... This might be something good." Nya says

Tessa brings her head up again.

"Okay, I guess!"

"That and the fact he LIKES yo-" I interrupted Nya before she could finish he sentence.

Tessa blinked as if she didn't hear her.... Luckily!


I look around me to see where the voice was coming from and see a bush rustle

"Who are you?" I say cautiously putting myself in a fighting stance.

Finally a dark figure in a long, leather jacket, with chains hanging everywhere, arose from the bush.

"You should know me! You took my soon to be queen away from me!!"

It was DarkStar and a few guards.

"What do you want?"

"Nothing really, JUST MY QUEEN!!" He yelled.

His voice was so deep, when he yelled birds flew from their trees!

"I'm taking her back." He said and walked towards me with his guards close behind...

The secret of the ultimate ninja pt 2Where stories live. Discover now