Chapter Thirty-Eight

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After the hallway incident, I spotted Minho and Hyuna sitting together at lunch, holding hands in the hallway . . . basically, everywhere. What in the world would make Hyuna help with his agenda? Or date him?! My best theory so far: his kissing technique contained the power of complusion. My worst theory: she was just as crazy as him. Each time I caught them, his eyes shifted to mine, as if he wanted to watch my reaction. I countered with my own form of actions with Sehun.

As much as I enjoyed the make-out sessions - mine, not Minho's, just to be clear - my body wanted to keep investigating, find out more about the murder, defeat City Hall. Stop lying low. I experienced all the symptoms of addiction withdrawal: insomnia, paranoia, and preoccupation.

I couldn't even search my sister's bag for answers because Shin-Hye was never at home anymore. She'd started practically living at the office, ever since the break-in occured.

I was scanning over the files one more time, for lack of better source of information, when the doorbell rang one Saturday afternoon. My parents had always told me to never open the door to strangers, but I need to get my rebellion fixed. I ran downstairs, expecting a telemarketer. But Sehun stood on the front porch, hands in his pockets, next to Sulli. She wore a terrible blonde wig.

"Tie your hair into pigtails and put this on." Sulli thrust an old snapback cap into my hands as she walked past me. Embroidered lacy ribbons circled the mirror appliques against the rough purple fabric.

"Are we dressing out as Minho for Halloween?" I let Sehun enter and followed behind.

"Ha ha," she mocked laugh. "It's a disguise. You're my little sister. And sorry, but Sehun is my boyfriend for the day."

"Yah! I haven't agreed to that yet!" Sehun kissed me hello, then grabbed my hand and led me down the long hallway. He glanced into the rooms of my house as we passed them. "Not until you tell me what we're doing."

"I second that," I said. Inside, though, I was squealing. Another mission!

"Surprises are best left unknown."

"I still think it's too soon." Sehun squeezed my hand.

Sulli rolled her eyes. "I told you, it's an emergency."

Despite my excitement over the mission, my lips frowned. If Sulli had planned this, it couldn't be related to my parents' potential murder. She didn't know about it.

"I'm hoping it involves something about the old nuclear-power plant." Sehun let me go ahead of gim toward the kitchen. "We've left that alone for too long."

"But isn't that a good thing?" I turned around to see Sulli following behind. "I mean, they destroyed the nuclear plant, so it's not doing any harm anymore." Unless you counted the night vision the entire town that had acquire to adjust to the lack of lights.

Sulli cleared her throat. Sehun opened a cabinet and studied the contents. "Got anything to eat?"

I wasn't letting him change the subject that easily. "Is there something I should know about the power plant?"

"No," Sulli said. "Because our mission today has nothing to do with that. You job is to cure Sehun's hunger so he can stop being annoying."

"Tell me what it is, or you drive." Sehun pulled the keys out of his pocket and dangled them in front of Sulli's face. "Oh, wait, that's right. You can't." He cupped the keys and turned back to the cabinet. I joined him by the counter.

"Yah, I had more important things to do than practice for my driver's test."

"She failed," Sehun said to me. "Five times!"

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