Chapter Twenty-Three

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The next day in gym, I didn't get a chance to talk - with Minho intercepted - to Sehun because the coaches conspired against U.S. and separated our classes into different tasks. I really wanted to heard the next upcoming mission. Did the family move in? Were the police onto us? I'd have to try to pry information out of Shin-Hye after work.

If she ever talk to me again, that is. She didn't wait for me when I got home, which only add a few more guilt. I wanted to take that as a good sign - after all, if she didn't wait for me, she couldn't punish me - but I was never good at reading signs or anything else that didn't come from a textbook.

Before lunch, I stopped at my locker and found a note inside: Follow the creek into the center of the forest at afternoon tea time.

A thrill shivered down my spine. My next mission?

Doing a quick research on my phone during lunch to learn that in England tea time was between three and five P.M. I decided to split the time and go with four. I practically danced in my seat during my last period, my eyes staring at the clock. The smile stayed platered on my face, like I had some silly secret I could barely keep to myself. IU kept glancing at me but didn't say anything. She and Jiyeon were too busy mourning Hyuna's absence from class.

After doing a double-check around me to make sure no one could see me, I slipped out to the abck of the school and follow the contour of the creek. A few steps into the forest, I walk past the ruined dam, now covered with spray paint. "Neverland Rules!" (Now it's the Neverland appearance! I hope I can see Peter Pan~) and "Homecoming. Game on." (In Korea, is there a Homecoming?)

A couple minutes later, a sharp, burnt-herb smell floats around me, which was unnatural for the forest. As I kept walking, the smell grew stronger, and then a shape came into focus. My stomach dropped when the shape started to resemble Minho, completed with a beanie hiding his hair.

I slowed my pace, turning my head to look for Sehun or Sulli. I tried not to make my movements too noticable, but his head snapped up anyway. A slow, creepy smile spread over his face.

Had he left me the note or were the others coming later, late as usual? Hoping for him, I squared my shoulders, lifted my chin, and walked toward him. Even if this was Minho's doing, I was a little curious about why he's gone through so much trouble to set up this private meeting.

Minho sat cross-legged on a large rock, a green, blowglass tube in front of him. The rube was shaped like bulb sphere at the base, with a stopper from the opposite direction of the tube. Keeping his eyes on me, he dipped his head and pressed his lips on the mouth of the tube. He flicked his lighter onto the stopper. Bubbles boiled from inside the sphere. His chest stilled for a moment. Then he blew out a puff of smoke in my face.

I coughed, remembering the riddle Sulli had given me. Marijuana. It certainly didn't smell like cigarette smoke.

"Who are you?" Minho's eyes drooped over his bloodshot eyes. "What do you want from us?"

I blinked at him. This was why he had made me come out here? "What am I doing here?" I crossed my arms.

"You're going to give me some answers."

My blood stopped flowing. We were alone, in the middle of a forest, and no one knew where I was. But I couldn't let Minho see that fear and use it against me. H eowuld be counting on that. So I forced myself to act like Sulli; aloof and brave. I lifted my chin. "I don't think you're very good at seeing the future."

"I can see the present fine, though." He curled his legs under him. "In fact, I see ou don't really have a good reason to join us. Well, except for your little crush, but I hope you're not that pathetic."

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