Chapter Twenty-Six

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Minho's blackmailing left me on high alert, so when Sulli come over to my desk in English after I'd avoided her for two days. I was prepared.

"Hey?" Sulli said.

"Hi." I stared straight ahead, even though I thought of closing my eyes would keep her from seeing me. Something else Minho had robbed me of: my logic.

"You never answered my note," Sulli said.

She'd written a cryptic explanation and slipped it into my locker. I could barely decipher it, but I already had the answers. "I didn't know what to say."

"How about 'yes'. Because you have plans tonight."

"Too much homework." i slid my notebook into my bag.

IU and Jiyeon exchanged subtle smiles. Sulli pulled out my notebook that was still sticking out my bag. She scribbed a quick message on the back cover, then cupped her hand over it, hiding it from the girls' view.

We both know you'd rather hang out with us.

As soon as I met her eyes, she scribbled it out.

I forced the words out. "I can't anymore."

"I need you, Suzy." She sounded like she meant it.

And I needed to hear that. I closed my eyes and repeated the words I can't anymore over and over again. It felt more like a death sentence than backing out of potential plans.

I gave Sulli a shrug and followed IU and Jiyeon out of the room, which led me straight into Hyuna's waiting arms. I let my eye closed for a few seconds before I put on a big smile on my face. It scared me how easy it was to feign interest in things I didn't care about, like a stupid plot to get revenge on Univeristy of Neverland (Whoop, whoop! Wonderland and Neverland sitting on a country. K-I-S-S-I-N-G~ I don't know why . . . Guys, don't laugh! I know you are!) or figure out who was behind the damage of Hyuna's house. I supplied her with as many conspiracy theories as I could, doing my best to keep Sulli and Sehun off their radars. I kept reminding myself I was protecting them and biding my time until Minho stopped keeping tabs on me.

Too bad I'd become his new favorite toy. He seemed to pop up everywhere: wiating outside my classrooms, driving down my street in his truck at unexpected times, standing outside in the school's parking lot like a voluteer security guard. Either he was really stepping up his intimidation efforts or he'd been reading a lot of spy books. Several times, he tried to speak to me, mouth forming the shape of my name. I turned around and ignore his laser-beam eyes shooting a hole in the back of my head.

In gym, Sehun and I avoided each other like we had some unspoken agreement. Minho practically glowed with happiness. It took exhausting effort to not to take a glance in Sehun's directions. I had to forget him, not running after him.

So when a shadow darkened my locker at the end of the day about a week after I'd rejected Sulli, I hoped for one stupid second it might be him. I had gotten used to nonsensical things happening that it seemed kind of boring and stupid for life to go back to normal.

"What do you know?" the shadow asked. A girl's voice.

I turned around to see Sulli leaning against the locker, looking at me. I scanned the area for Minho. I didn't see him, but that didn't mean that he's hiding, a phone in his hand. "Is that a riddle?"

"No, I'm the one trying to figure out what the hell is going on with you. It's not as fun on the other side."

I tried to move my feet to the direction of the school's parking lotm but they refused to listen. I threatened them with amputation.

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