Chapter Twenty-Two

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I clenched my teeth and tried my best to stay . . . alive. Gripping my ankles around the branch, I swung my arm above me, searching. My fingers clasped something cold and smooth. The rain gutter. With one final move that would surely hve won me maximum points in gym, I tugged my enite upper body onto the roof, then swung my legs up to match.

Stopping there, I really wanted to the solid surface.

"Wow, good job," Sulli called, already picking up a plant and tying a rope around it. All of my fear had been evporated.

( I hope this doesn't offend anyone.)  "You mean, God job," Minho said. "Since she seems to be playing God. Murdering innocent animals."

Sehun placed his hand on Minho's shoulder. "Hey, lay off. It was self-defense."

"Karma's not that forgiving. I should know."

"Oh, but karma's totally on your side about throwing donuts at me?" I yelled while Sulli used a makeshift rope-over the branch pulley system to send plants up to me.

"I said I should know." For once, Minho made sense.

While I placed plants on the roof based on Sulli's directions, Sehun climbed up to the top of the tree with a plank of wood. He fastened it across several branches using ropes and nails. I preferred my descent method to my grand ascent.

"What did I tell you?" He took my hand and helped me onto the same branch he stood on. "Oh, right, that it was a terrible idea to climb this tree."

"Should I remind you that I suceeded?" I couldn't keep the proud smile off my face.

"Should I remind you that you almost didn't?"

I had a lot of almosts in my life. Things I wanted to do but didn't. There was an almost standing with me on this branch.

I leaned forward, invading his personal space until my lips touches his. Turned out a near-death experience made you agressive.

His lips moved against mine, fierce and hungry. My arms  wrapped around him, a makesshift harness. My mind was full of exclamation points.

I broke away from the kiss. "That shut you up."

He smiled which made me want to kiss him again. "Wait, I'm still talking. I don't think it worked yet. You try to shut me up again."

I accepted the invite and kissed him again. Every tingles in my body danced with excitement.

"Great," Minho said, and Sehun and I broke apart. "We're coupling off now. Sulli?"

She gave him a dirty look. Sehun and I climbed down the rest of the tree, and every time he place his hand on my waist to steady me, butterflies exploded in my stomach. When we reached the others at the bottom where they'd finished loading the truck.

Even when I'm standing on the ground, I felt like I was floating.

"I hope you didn't find that climb too difficult." Sulli grabbed the rope from me . "Because the missions only get more dangerous form here. Can you handle that?"

My smile threaten to drop, but I had good reflexes. Still, I couldn't get out a confident yes.

"What?" Minho smirked. "Oh got your tongue?"

A blush heated through my cheeks was a similar match to the sweat crowning at my forehead at Sulli's reference to future missions. And then her words caught up to me. There would be future missions. I was in the group! It took my stored willpower and few aching muscles to keep from doing a victory dance. "I'm ready for anything."

I'd moved the worrying thoughts about the dangerous future missions tomorrow. Today, I had a great night.

=^_^= . . . =^_^=

A short update for today~

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