Chapter one Return to Neverland

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A\N. Hope you enjoy book 2. If you have any ideas message me or comment. Thank you. Enjoyxxx

Your POV

"I can't do it" I groan in frustration.

"Yes you can, just concentrate" she tells me, her voice serious.

"Ok" I stared into the fire. It started to move, like it was dancing.

"Yes,yes well done,(Y\N)" she jumps with excitement.

The fire started to form into a creature,into a dragon. The dragon flew around the camp,roaring and breathing fire.

"Enough,(Y\N). STOP IT!" She screamed. The dragon disappeared into spits of fire.

"Sorry" I look down at my hands.

"No,no it's ok. That was incredible" she ran over to me and sat down.

"Thank you...Mataya" I smile.

"Right, I'm going to the market. Here read this. I'll be back soon" she past me a book of magic, then vanished.
I opened the book and began to read. 'Healing, fire, light, Earth, air...'.

"So much to learn. I just want to get back to Neverland" I say to my self,catching a single tear that fell from my eye.

After an hour of reading,non stop reading, Mataya returned. Bouncy and happy as usual.

"You've nearly finished,that's amazing" she beamed.

"Yeah,I haven't stopped".

"Good,that's good. If you keep doing that then you'll be very powerful by next week and the weeks to come. No one will be able to touch you. So much power in one little girl" she jumped around in excitement.

"Sounds fun. Tell me how does one create a portal?" I ask.

"Why?" She raises a brow.

"So we can go to a different place. It'll" I smiled a fake smile.

'I want to go home'...

"Yes, yes, ok here read this page" she nods.

'So gullible'...

Sitting down I began to read,the very confusing spell. "So you can use magic beans?" I look up.

"Um yeah there's many ways to make a portal,but magic beans are hard to come by. So just learn that spell".

I continue to read through the many,many pages. 'Finally!'. I look up at,Mataya cooking something. Getting up I skipped over to my tent, grabbing a bag and filling it with spell books. 'I'm leaving...tonight' I tell myself.

"What's for dinner?" I ask leaving the tent.

"Chicken soup" she answers. After eating,we took our leave and went to bed. I waited an hour for, Mataya to be asleep before grabbing me bag and leaving; quietly leaving the forest I made my way to the docks. Taking a deep breath, closing my eyes, thinking of Neverland, I create a portal. It opened up in the ocean. I jumped in the air with excitement.

"(Y\N)" a voice says, making me jump.

"Sorry Mataya, but I need to help my friends" I told her without looking and I jump in the portal. Her screams are heard behind me,but then...

Hooks POV

We walked through the forest, taking a left then a right, following Emma.

"This is useless we need to find, Henry" Regina groans.

"What do you think we're doing?" I turn to her. She shrugs, anger written across her face.

"Hook do you have any idea what he would of done with, Henry?" Emma asked me.

"No sorry" I look at the ground.

"Ha, you all look like lost dogs" a voice joked. We all look were the voice was.

"Hello, Pan" I growl.

"Ahh,Hook I was wondering when you would pop up again" he smirked.

"What have you done with my son?" Regina yelled.

"Don't need to shout, Love" Pan held his ears with a mocking smile "Don't worry,he's safe...for now".

Regina's hand fills with with fire.

"Easy, love this isn't why I'm here".

"Why are you here?" Snow asks.

"Oh well you see your all in my way. So I'm just going this" magic filled his hands, a luminous white.

He pushed it towards us. We all covered our faces,as the magic flew at us. Suddenly someone appeared in front of us and they smash the magic to either side, smashing it to dust in the trees.

"Great" Pans face turns dark.

"Missed me?" A familiar voice asks.

"Not really" his face surprisingly full of rage

"You've grown powerful. I can feel it".

"Yeah, I've been practicing. So unless you want to see how powerful I am, I suggest you leave" she threatened.

"Fine" he bowed and vanished. The figure turned around,a smile on her face.

"Hello, (Y\N)" I smile.

"Wait you know her, who is she?" Emma asks.

"She's my sister" I told her, walking over to my (Y/N) and pulling her into my embrace.

"I've been looking for you" she steps back happy, but sad at the same time.

"Wait, what? Since when did you have sister?" Regina asked, obviously doesn't care.

"Eighteen years" I replied.
"Why didn't you tell us?" Emma walked over to me.

"Because I thought I wouldn't see her again" I smiled at my sister.

"Hi I'm,(Y\N)" she waved.

"(Y\N) this is, Emma, Regina, Snow White and Prince Charming" I introduce everyone.

"So your Snow White it's a pleasure to meet you, all of you" she bowed.

"How did you get here?" I turn back to my sister.

"Well after you and your crew disappeared, Pan sent me back to the enchanted forest. So then I found, Mataya" she explained.

"Why did you find that's bloody witch?" I questioned.

"Well because I needed someone to help me learn magic so I got Mataya to help me. Then I leaned how to create a portal and well here I am" she lifted her arms up in victory.

"That's...impressive" Regina admitted.

"Yeah I though so. I made the portal in the ocean so the portal opened in Neverlands seas, I wondered around for a bit then I heard you guys so I appeared in front of you" she beams.

"So why are you here?" Charming pipes up.

"Oh I'm here to help my friend".

"Ahh yes your lover, Pan" I joked.

"I don't like the way you say lover" (Y\N) pouts.

"Wait you and-".

I turn to, Emma cutting her off "It's a long story".

"We can't search for Henry in the dark, so I think we've got time" Snow tilts her head.

"Well then let's get started"...

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