Disaster in the Quidditch Pitch

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The next day in class Hermione set to getting us permission to get the book. Sure enough he fell for her routine. Can you imagine Hermione flattering him to the point where he’d have given her whatever she wanted? In my opinion she went a bit overboard, but who am I to judge.

We hurriedly got the book and slipped into Myrtle’s bathroom.

“Hi Myrtle,” I smiled at the annoying ghost. I’ll admit it, I like ghosts. Don’t ask me why but I just do. The only ghost I really can’t stand is Professor Binns and that to be expected right?

Myrtle smiled, “Hello Harry, Hi Sky.” She said ignoring the other two. Harry smiled and waved a little, you see Myrtle had a bit of a crush on him. It was adorable.

“Anyone been giving you a hard time?” I asked seriously. It was just cruel harassing the poor girl, and most kids were either cruel or ignored her. So what if she’s dead she still has feelings?

Myrtle shook her head and left. I turned to Hermione who looked troubled, “This is really complicated and I don’t think all these ingredients are available in the student stores.” We all exchanged nervous glances; one of us would have to steal from Snape.

“How soon can you have it? I asked.

She read it again, “Maybe Christmas?”

“That’s too late,” Ron objected, “He could have killed half the school by then.”

“Maybe,” I whispered.

Hermione looked him in the eyes, “If you don’t want to then by all means I’ll return the book. This breaks about a million rules. I’d be more than happy to forget all about it.”

“It’s all we’ve got, we don’t have a wide variety of choices,” I said simply.

Soon it was the day of the first quidditch game of the year, and against Slytherin to make it worse. All of us were sitting together and the guys ate quickly.

“You guys will do amazing,” I said. “And if you lose to Slytherin I’ll kill you all one by one and feed you to some horrible creature in the forbidden forest.” I whispered the last part to Fred, George, and Harry who laughed. “Seriously though please don’t lose; I really hate the idea of them winning to start the year.”

“We’ll do our best Sky,” George laughed.

I glared menacingly, “Do better than that.”

“We’ll kick some Slytherin,” Fred started and noticed Snape glaring at him. “You know what I was gonna say.”

“Don’t worry Sky, we’ll definitely win,” Harry smiled and they left. Ginny came and sat down next to me where Harry had been.

“Do you think they’ll win?” She asked.

I looked at her, “They haven’t lost since Harry started, they better win.”

“I really hope so,” She said.

It ended up being Ron, Hermione, and I going to the pitch. Ginny wanted to go with Luna Lovegood. I’d never met her, but she had a reputation for being quite odd.

This game would forever be branded in my memory. I can’t tell you how long into the game it was, I lose track of time watching. The bludger went after Harry.

“The ball’s rigged,” I objected after it turned around the first time standing up.

Hermione looked at me, “What do you mean?”

“The ball, someone messed with it so it would go after Harry. Its extremely dangerous, not to mention cheating,” I explained. They both began watching and within a few moments the whole crowd had noticed. Fred and George went back to playing and Harry just tried to shake it off his tail. Finally the ball succeeded in its goal and hit him. He kept going and caught the snitch before landing haphazardly, more like falling. The three of us were the first ones out there. Then came Lockhart insisting he could fix it.

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