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Her wounds had disappeared. Her body had not a single spot or blister. With a determined flick of her hair, she picked herself up from the floor and ran to the closest door. She didn't care where it led her, whether she fell, whether she hurt herself; her sole aim was revenge.

Revenge on the heartless man who killed her brother.

Mess this up, and she wouldn't get a third chance. She was already lucky enough to have this one- Elryon didn't even... No.

 Negative thoughts lead to negative problems. Right now, Elryon's life doesn't matter, because she's taking revenge on the man who killed him. She'd see him again... Wouldn't she?

Her pace picked up, and she broke into a run. Closing her eyes, she pictured Elliot's face, hoping her Soul Stone would guide her to him. And just then, a vision appeared. Elliot was standing near a computer monitor,  but this one was different. It had an ornate border around it, and Elliot seemed like an ant compared to its vast length. A silver pendant around his neck glistened in the light, drawing Cari towards it. She had seen it somewhere before.

Then she saw him moving his hand, and the monitor cursor moved with it. How could he- only Cari and Elryon could have admin control, purely due to their adermatoglyphia. Yet there was something odd: Cari knew that he had some sort of insider access to get into the computers, but even so, no one could get this kind of admin control, unless-

He had adermatoglyphia!

Cari tried to focus and look closer, and saw that he was moving the cursor towards the pictures library. He plugged his phone into a charging point- no, he plugged it into the monitor? What was he planning? As he scrolled through he pictures, a sepia image caught his eye. Moving the cursor, he clicked and it shone bright on the screen. In the picture, three children stood, playing with each other. Two boys were smiling, whilst a girl was literally falling in front of the camera, with two neat ponytails. And then it struck her; the boys were twins. And one of them was wearing the silver pendant. It was Elliot.

Elliot had a brother. A twin brother.

So who was the other boy? 

Cari focused even more, straining her mind to look further. The other boy had a backpack, with a label, and she could vaguely see neat writing. Her mind was bursting, but she persevered, and almost fell backwards with the shock of what she saw. Because there, in the label, a name was written.

'Elryon Sapphire.'

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