Floor 15 Part I- Where Lost Memories Return

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An area of extreme radiation. Great.

Cari's memories all didn't make sense. A falling man, a nuclear package... what could it mean? Anyway, she would find out 'soon enough'. But she could only take his word for it. Her pursuer was still out there. And he wasn't going to run away anytime soon.

Cari had been walking blindly, and she had gotten lost before she knew it. She was in a space with just a single, large titanium door. Somehow, the door was still fully locked and it could only be opened by an authorized fingerprint. There was only one thing she could do now; give it a shot.

Her finger quivered as she moved towards the authorization pad. She finally touched it, slowly and cautiously.

A computerized voice rung out:

"Access authorized. Enter now."

The titanium doors slid open.

Wow. That was easy. Cari didn't expect for the doors to just- open.

But that just made it more confusing. What was her role in this building?

She stepped into the chamber.


There was a huge rock-like particle in front of her. As it glowed, small particles would fly off from it, hitting the glass walls of its container, and creating small fiery explosions. There was a huge label on the side of the container.



So this building was owned by a company called Sapphire Tech. Another image came to mind: a young man in his twenties, walking towards her. He smiled, and said, in a particularly gentle, kind voice, her name.

Her name? Why? From the looks of it, she was just a minor worker in this company. What relation did she have to the higher-ups? And what was this huge particle? Why was it in a nuclear sector? She tried to get the memory of the man to replay itself. They were in this very room. A nuclear room. Oh, there were so many burning questions she had to answer herself. What was Sapphire Tech's secret?

There was a poster on the wall, from the ceiling to the floor, showing all the employees of the company. Perfect! At the very top was the CEO, Elryon Ruscher Sapphire... the man in her memory.

The CEO. That just made matters worse. Why in the world was the CEO talking to her? As she browsed the poster she saw her name towards the lower part. A secretary. Wow. But it was her full name that intrigued her...

Cari Ruschette Sapphire.

No way. She was related to the CEO?

That explained how she was allowed in. She saw the security guide on the side, and she walked over and opened it. It stated that Elryon had a rare genetic disorder known as adermatoglyphia, which meant that he had no fingerprints.

Plus, adermatoglyphia ran through families, so naturally, his close relatives would have no fingerprints either.

It made sense. So maybe... because she knew about the nuclear facility in her life before the explosion, maybe her pursuer wasn't trying to kill her... but to capture her to gain more information on the facility and it's secrets. Maybe they were unaware of her losing her memories. But then who was her mysterious helper? Surely a human being couldn't do such feats such as save her without getting killed, float in midair and lower her to a balcony and paralyze her on top of that! And what was in this package in the desk? Who was the falling man?

Cari knew she was on the verge of discovering the truth behind everything. She just needed the final piece of the puzzle.

She felt a sharp blow to her head. She fell to the floor and blacked out.

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