No Way Out- Floor 24 Part I

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The green exit signs stood before her. This floor would be easy to get through. Cari saw a battered office desk in the corner; underneath it was a flawless walking stick, sheltered by it. It reminded Cari of how her saviour had taken the impact of the blow, and pushed her to safety. She shivered at the thought of their death. With great difficulty, Cari walked towards the desk, and took the walking stick away from its shelter.

Much better.

Now she could walk more efficiently and cover more ground in less time. With that, Cari walked calmly towards the door. It led her into a long corridor, with a shattered window at one end and the fire exit at the other. This floor was easy to get through.

She should have known that it was far too easy.

She heard a final rev of the chainsaw. The ceiling above her, just before the exit, fell. Cari tried to run without using her walking stick. She got far enough to evade the falling rubble, but fell towards the end of the corridor.

Another crash. The door out of the corridor was blocked as well.

Now Cari had only her walking stick, and her intellect to guide her. Her pursuer had left her to die, believing there was no way she could survive trapped with no food or water. Just Cari and a shattered window.

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