The Only Way is Never Easy- Floor 24 Part II

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Cari edged towards the window carefully. This was a dangerous idea, but it was the only one she had. If Cari wanted to survive, then she had to at least try. 

Time to begin.

With care, Cari held on to the window as she directed her legs over the edge. She bent her head and looked out. How high in the air she was! The trees were just ants. The skyscrapers in the distance could be crushed by her thumb and index finger alone. Yet now was not the time to do sightseeing. Cari gripped the lower edge of the window tightly whilst also holding on to her walking stick, and she cautiously guided her other leg through the window. 

Now, she was holding on to the window for dear life, whilst also gripping the walking stick. Here came the hard part. 

Cari knew there was a shattered window directly below her on Floor 23. She had seen it whilst looking out. If it hadn't been there, she would have been trapped in the corridor forever. She let go with one hand and tilted the walking stick. She hooked the top curved edge to the window on Floor 24. She let go with both hands, tightly gripping the lower part of the walking stick. Cari then tried to move her legs into the lower window. Finally, she pushed up, unhooking the walking stick, and she landed roughly on Floor 23. 

When she stood, her legs gave way after her trick. She stumbled towards the window. Then, another fuzzy memory came to her; a man was falling out of a window, and then her sight went blank. Unable to take the burden of carrying her own weight, as well as her overwhelming memories, Cari collapsed on to the window.

She lost balance and fell into the open air.

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