Chapter 13

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I'm very exhausted from all the school work I've been doing in addition to how late I stayed up to write this so I'm just going to skip the author's note and go straight to the chapter.

Thanks to everyone for being so patient and thank you to everyone who reads, comments, fans, and votes. I really do love your support.

(Sorry for any spelling/grammar errors)


Chapter 13



                Hanna muffled a slight groan as she slowly pulled away from the darkness she’d succumbed to. Her entire body felt heavy and weak, like she had swallowed a ten pound lead cannonball. Distantly she could hear a repetitive beeping sound but she still couldn’t find the strength to pry her eyes open. As the seconds passed slowly her memory filtered back. Rogues. Sabrina being attacked. Hanna being bitten.

                “Yes, she just got out of surgery. Doctors expect her to make a full recovery with the exception of a few scars.” A soft, feminine voice interrupted the steady beeping.

                It couldn’t be, could it?

                “She is very lucky.” The woman agreed with whoever she was talking to. Hanna figured she was on the phone as she couldn’t hear any response to the woman. “We all know what the rogues are capable of. Hopefully she’ll realize leaving was a stupid mistake and come home.”

                Hanna had no doubt now that the woman talking was in fact her sister.

                If she could have, Hanna would have laughed at the irony. It took her almost getting mowed down by rogues for her sister to show any sympathy and yet she was still insisting home was safer. What Lindzi failed to recognize was the fact that rogues were everywhere. Their pack had learned that lesson the hard way when Laura died. They had grown up with strict rules and Laura had always followed them but they still weren’t enough to keep her alive. Their sister had died following the rules and Hanna would let hell freeze over before she went back to a life of restrictions.

                As Hanna thought more on the attack she recalled Sabrina’s battered body and instantly wondered if the young girl had made it through. For some reason she felt a connection to the youngest Alpha child which was strange considering she had only met her once. Still, though, Sabrina possessed a quiet, mysterious air that intrigued Hanna. Calling her brief memory of Sabrina forward, Hanna noticed an intelligent glint present in the girl’s blue eyes but hidden beneath that was a deep seeded sadness. Hanna hadn’t noticed it then but now that she had more time to think about it, Sabrina definitely had a troubled aura about her. Sabrina’s wounds hadn’t looked too bad when Hanna had passed out but she wasn’t sure what happened after the blackness took over. She found herself wishing immensely that the small blond had managed to survive.

                “Yeah, he was a problem we didn’t expect.” Lindzi paused and Hanna could imagine her sister was looking at her. “I don’t know but I know he isn’t willing to give her up.” A sigh. “You don’t understand. Will is adamant he can take care of her and to be honest, I don’t see him willingly letting her leave.”


                Hanna wanted to sigh as longing for her mate built up. Her wolf howled pitifully for her mate and practically begged Hanna to wake up so they could look for him. The last thing Hanna could remember from the attack was smelling the delicious scent that accompanied Will and she knew instantly that he was the reason she was alive. She didn’t know how she knew but every part of her knew with certainty that he had saved her. Hanna was surprised by just how much she wanted to see Will because before the attack she was adamant on not being with him but now…now all she wanted was just to see him.

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