First laughs.

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Props to remembering_sundayy for wanting me to update, it probably would have been weeks before I had the motivation to do so without your comment, so thankyou, you're cool. <3


"Wait, so it was you who came to the care home?"

Alex nods, scanning my face to see how I'll react. I look down at my hands. "I thought it might have been my dad. Although, I don't know why I thought that, he hasn't cared in sixteen years, I don't know why he'd change his mind now " I say bitterly.

"Maybe he will one day. You never know," Alex says. I shrug my shoulders, not looking up from my hands in my lap.

"Why did you come Alex?" I ask quietly, sneaking a glance at his face. We're sitting side by side against the tour bus. He tilts his head back and looks up at the sky, thinking of what to say.

"Honestly? I cared about you. You deserve more than that shitty care home. You deserve family and education and love, and so much more. I want to help you. I saved your life once and I want to be around if you ever need saving again."

"Alex, I appreciate that more than you probably ever understand, but how will you do that? You're on tour 300 days out of the year, so I'll only end up going back to the care home." I reason, almost hating myself for being logical.

"Do you not think I've thought about this? We've only just started this tour. There's plenty of room on this bus for an extra person. Especially someone as small as you." He says carefully, as if expecting me to flip out.

"But, Maisie," I choke.

Alex sighs. "Ever, think about this. You have the opportunity to have a future. I may not have known you all that long but isn't that something you want? A future?" he asks gently. I look at the ground and take a deep breath in. "Maisie has a future. She has parents that want her back, that want to take care of her and love her and watch her grow up. I'm scared that I won't get to say goodbye before I come back."

The sky grows gradually lighter, the sun spilling over the tops of buildings and burning our eyelids.

"It's morning. Run back to the care home, tell Maisie where you're going. Tell her to call you." Alex suggests.

"Alex, I can't say goodbye again. Leaving while she was still half asleep was bad enough." I say, almost annoyed.

"At least you got to say goodbye..." he mutters, tilting his head towards the sky. I say nothing. I don't know what he means, and I'm not sure I want to right now. "Hey, I have an idea," he says quickly, turning to face me, "where's her bedroom window?"


The paper plane leaves Alex's hand, glides smoothly and elegantly towards the window I pointed out to him. I watch from a distance as it disappears behind the glass. I turn and start walking slowly back to the bus, dragging my feet and looking at the ground. Alex's shoes thud against the concrete as he runs to catch up to me, but I don't look up. "It'll be okay, kid," he whispers, putting his arm around my shoulders. A small smile plays at the corners of my lips. Kid.

Maybe it will be alright.


"Danny, Jeff, Vinny, Flyzik, Rian, Matt, Alex." Alex says, pointing to individual people scattered around the bus. "All part of the All Time Low crew except Rian, he's the drummer," he explains. I nod, pretending to take it all in. "The other two, Jack and Zack, are probably out getting coffee. I should warn you that Jack is a little excitable..."

"I know, I've seen videos," I smile.

"Will you be okay with that? I mean, all the noise and people and talking?" He asks uncertainly.

"Alex, I'm not a child!" I laugh, shaking my head.

"Yes! I got a laugh out of you!" he cries dramatically, flinging his arms around my shoulders and spinning me back and forth.

"The first of many, so I hope."

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