The stranger with the rose tattoo

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Lewis leans against the door frame, a small smile on his face. "I'm not, really, I just like that song," he says. "How're you feeling?"

"Never better!" I tell him sarcastically, fake enthusiasm clear across my features.

He smiles sadly and wanders over. "Mind if I sit down?"

"Go ahead," I say.

"I know I'm your doctor and you probably hate my guts for managing to revive you, but I'm always around if you want to talk. I know it doesn't always help, believe me I do, but if you have something you want to say, something you want to get off your chest... Just yell for me, and I'll listen." he says quietly.

I smile. It's been a long time since I've had that comfort.

"Thankyou, Lew." I whisper, my voice catching in the back of my throat.

He gives me a small thumbs up and pushes himself off the edge of my bed.

"And, I don't hate you." I whisper as he reaches the door. I don't think he hears.


The next few days find me laying in the same bed in the same position for hours on end, moving occasionally when Lewis or the other doctors come to check on me.

Sometimes when Lewis comes in to take my blood pressure and make sure all the wires are still attached to my body, we talk. About everything and nothing. It gives us both something to do in the dreary hospital environment, distracts us from the whitewash walls and sheets of snow gathering on buildings outside.

I daydream a lot. Being stuck between the same four walls for days on end gives a person a lot of time to think.

And there's a certain question that keeps reappearing in the back of my mind.

"Lew?" I call, turning my head towards the door. I lay for a few seconds, awaiting the sound of footsteps, and smiling when I hear the gentle tap of shoes against the linoleum.

His dark mop of hair appears behind the door frame, making my smile grow even further.

"How may I help you, my dear?" He asks in his best British accent.

"I have a question for yousir," I reply, playing along.

"I see! What would thou like to know?"

"Who saved me, Lew?" I mumble, forgetting the accent.

Lewis sighs. "How long has that question been burning, huh?"

"Since I woke up and found myself confined to these four white walls..." I admit, my voice barely audible.

I start playing with the hem of the bed sheet, avoiding eye contact.

"I'm not really supposed to say, Ever... Confidentiality and all that..." He reasons.

"Lewis, whoever it was saved my life. As much as I may wish they hadn't right now, I guess I am grateful. Please can you at least give me a name?" I beg, giving him my best puppy-dog eyes.

He sighs again.

"His name was Alex, I don't think he was from around here," he tells me. He has a certain look on his face, like he's concentrating really hard on something in his head.

"And?" I ask, pushing him for more detail.

"Ever I really shouldn't say anymore!" Lewis says with a chuckle, but as I've gotten to know him so well over the last few days, I know that means he's going to tell me anyway.

I raise my eyebrows.

"Ugh, fine!" he says, rolling his eyes and sitting back down on the edge of my bed. "He was pretty tall, good looking I'd say, even from a guy's point of view. Darkish hair, quite long and messy, but at the same time so neat and organised... I don't know ever, I'm not great at describing!"

My mind is reeling.

No way is it Alex Gaskarth, Ever, for crying out loud stop being ridiculous. Of course it isn't him, he's in Maryland for the few weeks the band is back home.

Loads of guys have dark messy hair. It's just cause his name's Alex, Ever, stop over reacting. It was just some normal passer-by who happened to see you jump.

"Ever?" Lewis says carefully, touching my arm.

I snap back from my thoughts and shake my head free of them.

"Sorry Lew, I was just thinking," I reassure him.

He nods and gets up from the bed, checking the clipboard at my feet. He hangs it back up after making a note on it and makes his way to the door.

A few steps into the corridor and he turns back, a glint in his eye.

"Oh, and one more thing - he had a tattoo of a rose on his hand."


Hey ho.

I know its been way too long since I updated this, I've been focusing on my danisnotonfire fic...

But, mite important reason for this authors note - I have tumblr, I'm completely unsure of how to use it but as I'm part of a street team for The Summer Set, I need as many followers as possible. I'll follow you all back if I can figure out how! It's so go love me on that. Or hassle me to update these fics. Either is much appreciated.

Aaaanyyway, hope you enjoy this chapter, comment with any ideas or criticisms or loveliness you may have. I love you all very lots, I have good time writing this stories. Goodbye my liddel munchkins <3

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