Suicide girl.

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Ever's POV

"Holy motherfuc-" I start to say, cutting myself short before I make too much of a fool of myself.

Alex smiles and laughs awkwardly. He stares intently into my eyes, although it seems more like he's looking at them rather than in them.

He blinks and shakes his head a little, as if shaking himself from a nightmare.

"I'm Alex," he tells me, sticking his hand out.

"I know... I'm Ever..." I stammer, the overwhelming mix of emotions taking over my mind.

"I know." He whispers, still holding my gaze.

His statement takes me by surprise. Of course he doesn't know who I am.

His eyes widen and he seems to realise what he just said.

"You, you don't know me," I tell him, voice laced with confusion and uncertainty.

"Yo, dude, is that suicide girl?" I hear someone whisper from behind Alex. It sounds an awful lot like Jack.

I break my gaze from Alex's and look towards the bus he fell out of. Sure enough, Jack has his head and shoulders hanging out of the door, next to Rian who is mirroring his position. They're both staring straight at me.

I look back at Alex and a small, almost apologetic smile appears on his face.

And then I remember. The weeks I spent in that stupid hospital with Lewis, begging him to tell me more and more about the one who dragged me from the river. The mix of emotions and ideas crashing together in my stomach when he mentioned the 'rose tattoo'. And the weeks after I said goodbye to Lew and left the hospital, convincing myself it wasn't Alex who saved me - of course it wasn't.

But oh how I was wrong.

"Suicide girl?" I whisper uncertainly, unsure if I'm dreaming.

"Oh god, no, please don't be offended. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to tell these guys your name, you know for confidentiality purposes, and they're too lazy to say 'girl you saved from the river' every time they wanna talk about you... I'm sorry Ever, please don't hate me?" He rushes, desperate to get his reasons across.

"I'm not offended, Alex. Far from it," I smile reassuringly.

He sighs in relief and smiles back, and I can't stop myself wrapping my arms around his waist.



Ugh. I know this chapter sucks ass, I had to literally force myself to get out of bed and write it. I've been feeling pretty crappy the last couple weeks and I didn't feel up to writing, but I promised I'd update and I felt bad for not keeping that promise.

Hopefully I'll get back to writing more often, so let me know if you have any ideas for this story or my danisnotonfire one!

I love you all, thanks for sticking with me, and sorry this sucks so bad. ily c: <333

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