The eyes.

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*two years later*

Alex's POV

"Jack get your smelly ass in here!" I yell.

He comes bounding up the stairs two at a time, his dark hair falling across his face and hiding half his stupid grin.

"What can I do for you sir?" he asks in his awful British accent, knowing how much it annoys me.

"You can flush the damn toilet for once you lazy ass tit face!"

"I thought you might like it!" He protests, sticking his bottom lip out.

"Jack stop being a butthole and get rid of that pee! It's my turn to piss everywhere," I laugh. He sticks his hand up for a high-five, which I happily return before stepping out of the bathroom and letting Jack clean up after himself. He's like a child.

"Yo, dude, did you ever hear anything about that chick?" he asks out of the blue, taking me by surprise.

"Oh, Tia? Yeah, just another slutbag with like, six other boyfriends," I explain.

"No no no, the girl you saved from the river like, two years ago!"

My mind is reeling. I hadn't heard a word. From her, about her, nothing.

I guess that's understandable. She has no idea it was me that dragged her up from her death.

"No, Jack. Nothing." I tell him. "I wonder what happened to her..."

I let my mind wander for a while. There are endless possibilities and outcomes of such a situation - she could be walking about this planet wandering where and who the fuck I am. She could be wandering the planet loving me or hating me for saving her, or not giving a shit about me at all. Maybe she hasn't thought about who dove in after her. Maybe she knows. Maybe she's a crazily obsessed fan - she looked like the kinda person that would be into the band. Not to be stereotypical, of course...

"There you go Ally baby, all nice and clean, just for you." Jack says, slapping my chest and pulling me back to reality.

"Just for me to piss all over!" I yell, jumping into the bathroom and karate kicking the door shut.

Once in the silence I go back to dwelling in the mostly negative thoughts in my head.

What if she didn't even wake up?

Maybe I shouldn't have left her. Although that would have made it harder - knowing for sure she didn't survive, I didn't catch her in time...

I shake my head, ridding my mind of the negativity. We have tour in a few days. That's good, right? Playing a stage every night and watching as the crowd scream our own lyrics at us. It never gets old.

I rinse my hands under the tap and dry them on a towel before swinging the door open with such force it slams into the wall and makes a small dent. I shrug it off and throw myself across the hallway and down the stairs after Jack, leaving behind thoughts of the suicide girl.


"DIE, ASSHOLE" Jack screams at the tv, violently pressing buttons on the xbox controller.

He's completely oblivious to Zack, Rian, Matt and I watching him from the small doorway of the bus. It's the first day of tour, our hometown show, and Jack is playing video games as usual.

'Game Over' appears in digital lettering on the screen and Jack starts screaming.

"FUCK YOU, STUPID DAMN GAME, I DIDN'T WANNA PLAY WITH YOU ANYWAY" he yells, throwing the wireless controller across the room. "Heheh, heh, play with you..."

He stands up, finally noticing the four of us watching him.

"How long have you- ugh, you guys suck dick!"

He laughs and pushes past us, sending Matt and I stumbling onto the sidewalk outside the venue.

Matt, being the lucky one, gets the soft landing - a patch of grass situated right under his butt, typically.

I, however, am thrown into something a lot more awkward.

"Oh god, I'm so sorry! My friend's a dick!" I yell towards the bus, hoping Jack hears. He sticks his head out and gives me a thumbs up.

I turn to face the girl to apologise properly, but something clicks in the back of my head and the words I had formed completely disappeared into nothing.

The ebony hair, the pale skin. Those eyes. God damn it those eyes.

The exact ones I stared straight into two years ago, in the murky light of the river under a Tallahassee bridge.

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