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"No Sky! Don't turn right there!" Kenny yelled at Sky. He was teaching her how to drive. He had to rent out a car, for that. "SKY! Don't hit the tree! Ahhhh!" Kenny yelled.

Sky missed the tree by an inch, she pressed the brakes. Holding her chest. She looked over at Kenny. He looked like he just passed out.

"Kenny are you okay?" Sky asked Kenny. He just nodded his head.

Never again will he teach Sky how to drive. This was just too much.

"Do you want me to continue driving?" Sky asked him.

Kenny jumped up then.

"Oh hell no, fuck that! I love my life. Get out." Kenny said to Sky, getting out the passenger side of the car and got in the front seat of the car waiting for Sky to get in the passenger side. When she got in he speed off.

"I did good any baby?" Sky asked Kenny. Smiling big.

Kenny looked at her like she crazy.

"Hell no, the fuck. Girl you been about to hit a fucking tree. You can't drive for shit." Kenny busted out.

Sky looked like she was about to cry.

"Awwww I hurt your feelings?" Kenny asked her.

Sky just mugged him then stick her middle finger up at him.

"Okay, wait til we get home. I want you face down ass up, or legs wide open, either one will do, or you can your little ass bend over with you face up."

Sky just frown up at him.

"You nasty as fuck bruh." Sky shook her head at him.

"You love it though." Kenny kissed at her.

"Whatever." Sky rolled her eyes at him.
They made it back to Catherine house only people there was Lil C and Naenae with Crystal.

Naenae was holding her like always. Naenae can honestly say she love the little baby.

"So how did the driving lesson turn out?" Lil C asked Kenny.

Kenny just hang his head low, Lil C busted out laughing.

"Awww hell no, Sky trying to kill people I bet."

Sky just mugged him.

"Then she almost hit a tree." Kenny laughed.

"Damn I'm glad I didn't went with y'all then. She really would have hit that tree."

"That's why I didn't take your fool ass." Kenny said to Lil C.

"Where mama and daddy went with my baby?" Sky asked Lil C.

"To get Crystal a crib, swing, bouncer, and some more clothes for me. Also some bottles, wipes, and pampers." Lil C said.

Sky nodded her head.

"What y'all want to do this weekend?" Naenae asked them.

They all shrugged they shoulders.

"Oh I know, we can all go take pictures, out to eat, then take the kids to the park." Sky said.

"The park? What the hell they going to do? Look around? That's all they can do." Lil C said.

Sky just rolled her eyes at him.

"Nobody asked for your two cents though." Sky said to Lil C.

"Nae did say, y'all, so that include me too." Lil C said back to Sky.

"Well I was talking first." Sky said.

"Well you was finish talking." Lil C snapped back.

"You don't know that." Sky rolled her eyes at him again.

Kenny and Naenae just stared at them as they argued back and forth.

"Look boe, I'm not about to sit and argue back and forth with you." Lil C said dismissing Sky.

Just then before Sky could say anything back, the front door open.

Sam walked in carrying a baby crib.

"Y'all going to look at me or y'all going to go get the stuff out the car?" Sam asked them.

Kenny, Lil C and Sky walked outside to get the stuff out the car. While Naenae hold Crystal. She couldn't wait til she find out what she was having. Since Lil C already have a girl, she hope she was having a boy. Just one more month to find out what she was having she couldn't wait.

"Get out my way Caesar, I was trying to get in the door first." Sky yelled at Lil C.

"Oh hell no. I'm definitely not moving now. You know I don't like that name." Lil C said.

They both tried to walk in the door at the same time and got stuck.

"Move out my way boe." Sky yelled at Lil C.

"Nope." He said popping the "p".

"Oh ugly ass. MOVE!" Sky said stepping on his foot. Well tried to anyway.

"Those two at it again. Lets see who give up first." Catherine said.

"I got twenty on Sky." Kenny said.

"I got twenty on Lil C." Naenae said.

"He going to lose anyway." Kenny said to Naenae.

"Well will see." Naenae said.

Kenny just nodded his head.

While Lil C and Sky argue back and forth in the door way neither making a tempt to move. They so stubborn.

"I gotta pee." Sky said.

"Go pee then, why you telling me for?" Lil C asked her.

"You need to move out my way."


"I gotta fart." Sky said trying not to laugh.

Lil C rushed in the house.

Sky busted out laughing. Everyone else did too. While Kenny hold his hand out for Naenae to pay him his money.

"Yes I win." Sky said.

Everyone just shook their head at both her and Lil C.

What you think?

Sky can't drive for shit! Bofl!

Sky and Lil C though!





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