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Kayla was a terrible mama and friend. She was now feeling guilty about everything that have happen. From the time Sam took Skylar from Catherine, from keeping her son from his father, from keeping Sam secret, and from lying to her friend for all these years.

Kayla have a secret of her own, and she don't know how she was going to tell everyone. That's why she want to get everything off her chest now, just in case.

Right now she was at Catherine house ready to confession everything that had happen. She just hope Catherine don't go off on her. She wouldn't hesitate to hit Catherine ass back. Even though she know she couldn't beat Catherine. Catherine was wild growing up and have a temper on her if you push her to far.

Kayla got out her car to knock on the door. Sam open the door with his shirt off.

"Wassup Kay. Haven't seen you around in awhile." Sam greeted Kayla and let her in the house.

"Where is Cathy?" Kayla asked taking a seat on the couch.

"In the bed she have morning sickness really bad." Sam said smiling.

"Excuse me? Morning sickness as in pregnant morning sickness?" Kayla asked Sam.

"Duh Kay damn. What other morning sickness you know of?" Sam rolled his eyes.

"Hey don't you get smart with me. I need to talk to her." Kayla said walking in Catherine bedroom.

Catherine was sleep in a fatal position.

"Damn, is she even comfortable?" Kayla ask Sam, who mugged her.

"What you want Kayla damn? Cat sleep, can't you see?"

"I'm not leaving here to I talk to Cat, so you mines well get out my face right now." Kayla said in a angry voice.

"You will not put any stress on my baby mother. So what ever you trying to do. Don't do it." Sam said back in a angry voice.

Catherine eyes open and she looked over at both Kayla and Sam.
"What's going on?" Catherine asked.

"Nothing." Sam said walking over to the bed. "Kayla was just leaving." Sam gave Kayla a hard glare.

"No I wasn't. Cathy we need to talk." Kayla walked out the room to go sit in the living room to wait on Catherine.

Just then there was a knock on the door.

Kayla answer it. In came Sky, Kenny, KD, Lil C, Naenae, and Crystal.

Just Kayla luck. Kenny didn't even acknowledge her.

Catherine and Sam entered the living room too. Everyone eyes been on Kayla.

"Kayla what is it?" Catherine said.

"I have somethings to get off my chest. First thing first I was diagnose with cancer."

Everyone gasped.

Kayla didn't even look at her son. She just looked over at Catherine and Sam.

"Cathy what I'm about to tell you, may ruin our friendship and you might hate me, but I have to get this off my chest. I knew all about Sam taking Sky away from you. Sam and I stayed in touch over the past 17 years now. I also knew he fake his death and went out of the country, and I also knew where he was, but I didn't know when he was coming back. Sam was paying me over $5,000 every month to keep his secret a secret and I did. I'm so sorry." Kayla cried.

Catherine couldn't say anything. The whole room was quiet.

"Ma you got cancer? When you knew? How long you got to live? Is you sick now?" Kenny walked over to his mother. Pulled her into his arms and hold her as they cried together.

Catherine really can't or won't get mad. She is over this whole Sam thing. That's in the past. She will not bring it back up. Her only concern was the little baby in her stomach. How in the hell a forty year old woman manage to get pregnant?

"I have some news too." Catherine said smiling. Grabbing Sam hand. He kissed hers. "I'm pregnant!"

"You what!?" Lil C and Sky said in unison.

"Yep. Two months." Catherine said smiling.

"Mama how old you is again? And you getting knocked up. What the hell?" Lil C shook his head. "And pops you knocking the boots with my mama getting her pregnant. Y'all to old for that."

Everybody look like Lil C.

"What? Why y'all looking at me like that?" He asked.

"You call me pops." Sam smiled proudly.

"I did?" Lil C asked.

"Yep you did." Sam laugh.

Catherine walked over to Kayla and pulled her into her arms. Just push poor little Kenny out the way.

"Kayla I forgive you. That's in the past. We going to leave the past in the past and move forward with new beginnings." Catherine said with tears in her eyes. "And you going to beat this cancer."

"Right! Fuck cancer!" Lil C, and Kenny said at the same time.

"Right right!" Sky and Naenae said at the same time then busted out laughing.

"You fool girl." Naenae laughed at Sky.

"No you fool."

"Y'all both fool." Lil C and Kenny said in unison.

Sky went into the kitchen to see if her mother had some pickles and ketchup. She did. Sky eyes light up. She sat at the kitchen table and dive in.

Everyone stop what they was doing and stared at her.

"Hmmm this taste so good." She moaned to her self with her eyes closed.

"Sky are you pregnant?" Kayla and Catherine said at the same time.

Sky eyes open and widen. Then she busted out crying.

"Why everyone keep asking me that? Do yall want me to be pregnant again or something? My son not even a full three months yet. No I am not pregnant." Sky yelled.

"I know I got another pregnancy test under my sink. Come on Sky. Follow me." Catherine said then drag Sky out the kitchen chair.

Everyone piled up in Catherine bedroom standing by the bathroom door.

They waited for a good five mins.

Catherine walked out showing a pregnancy test..

Kenny pump his fist in the air. He knew it would of happen again. Sky just didn't believe him. He walked in the bathroom and pull Sky in his arms.

"Its okay baby. I got you. I got you. No matter what. I got you.

What you think?

Kayla wants to come clean.

Catherine pregnant.

Kayla diagnosed with Cancer.

Lil C called Sam Pops

Sky pregnant!





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