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Sam was in his hotel trying to think how he's going to get his family back. His little Sky has grown up with a baby on the way. even though he just been gone for some months. It felt like forever in his eyes. Since he was a way from his family and friends.

He still wonder how he's going to get out this debt. When he started his own business he went to borrow money from one of the most dangerous man in Columbia. His name was Big Ben. He's wasn't in a gang or anything. He was just one powerful man. He's knows everything about everybody in Columbia. Sam hold his head down. His family could be in danger, because of him.

He needed to talk to Big Ben his self. He had the man money, but paying it back hell no, that's half a million dollars. Sam have a lot of work to do before he gives anyone money. First he needed to change his name. He can't walk around people calling him Samson. Big Ben has eyes everywhere round Columbia. Columbia was a big city, so you never know who was who, and who worked for who. Sam needed to be careful. First he need to go talk to Catherine he owe her an explanation and he's going to give it to her. She deserves it.

Sam walked to his car, being sure to check his surroundings before stepping in his car. When he opened the door a note was tape to his steel dashboard.

You think you was just going to roll up in the city and me not know about it? Nigga you have me fucked up. You better have my money by the end of the summer if not, you and your family die. Better watch your back. I want my MONEY Sam!

"Shit!" Sam cursed. He didn't know how Big Ben know he was back in town. He just needed to be careful for now on. Even though he knew the bad guys never win in the end. Before he know it Big Ben will be dead and HE will take over the city. Just watch. He just needed a plan. He needed Lil C on his side.

Sam arrived at Catherine house. He got out his car and walked to her door. He ring the doorbell.

Catherine opened the door with a look of surprise on her face.

"Samson what you doing here?"

"Came to talk to you. You going to let me in?" Sam looked at her.

Catherine sighed then move out the way so he could enter her home.

"You came to talk to me. After 17 years Sam? Are you serious right now?" Catherine glared at him. As he took a sit at her kitchen table.

"Well yeah I am serious. Why wouldn't I be? I'm here aren't I?" Sam said smartly.

"Don't be such a smart ass Sam. What the hell do you want?" Catherine yelled.

Sam was taking back. Of all the years he did know Catherine she never once raised her voice at him.

"I'm in trouble."

"What kind of trouble?"

"I'm in debt."

"How the hell you in debt and you just getting back home from your "supposedly" waking up from the dead?"

"That's the reason I fake my death Cath. The man has been after me since I started my business. I went to him for money. Now he wants it back."

"What the hell Sam? Who did you get the from" Catherine had to sit down on that one.

"Big Ben."

"Oh hell no! Are you crazy? You coming back here could be deadly for us all. If something happen to any one of children. I'll kill you myself and make sure your ass dead." Catherine mugged him hard.

"Well damn Cath, when did you get so mean.?" Sam was liking the new Catherine.

"I'm not being mean. You better come up with a plan or something. This could get ugly really fast. When do you need to turn the money in?"

"By the end of the summer. Since its May now. We have until September."

"We? Hold the hell up Nigga! We as you put it didn't got you in debt. YOU did. So YOU have until September. Talking about We , nigga what you smoking on?" Catherine laughed.

Sam just looked at her with his mouth wide open. What the hell? This not the old Catherine he was use too. Who would do anything for him.

"Close your mouth honey. Seriously though you need to pay that man his money."

"I don't need to do shit. That's why I need a plan. You think you can talk to Caesar for me?"

Catherine really busted out laughing then. Talking to Lil C about this man is like talking to a brick wall. Lil C didn't want anything to do with him.

Sam was getting pissed off with Catherine. Her laughing in his face like that. Like seriously.

"Read this note. I bet your ass won't be laughing then."

Catherine read the letter and the goofy grin she had on her face slide off quickly. She looked over at Sam. She slapped the taste out his mouth. If there was any.

"Get the hell away from me and my family Sam. We will not die or get harm over your bullshit. Just pay the man his damn money. Why you gotta be so selfish? You coming back causing problems for the rest of us, and that's not cool."

Sam tasted blood in his mouth from that slap Catherine gave him.

"No. I will not run away again. I want my family back. I will fight my battles. He will not win. I just need you guys help. Call up a meeting by the end of this week and we can figure something out. I need every body on board with this."

"This shit bet not backfire in our face Sam. If it do I will never forgive you." Catherine said walking out the kitchen. Into her room.

Sam followed her.

"Nigga get the hell out my room." Catherine yelled at him.

"I just wanted to see what it look like since the last time." Sam smirked. "I see you got a bigger bed."

"Yep. I needed something bigger so when I invited someone over we could just roll around in it and fuck each other brains out." Catherine lied. What she do was her business and Sam didn't need to know the real reason why she got another bed.

Was he getting mad? Catherine thought. Serve his ass right.

Sam walked out her room, and slammed the front door.

Catherine fell back on her bed laughing her ass off.


With Sam coming back will the gang have more problems to face?

Who think Catherine and Sam will end back together in the end?

Sam mad? For what though?




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