11. New People Are Always The Most Confusing.

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~~Julian's POV~~

"Mum? Why are you here? Who's that..?" My voice was husky and scratchy, I'm pretty sure that your voice is supposed to sound unused or something, so why does my throat feel like it's been ripped out by a rabid dog?

"You never mind that dear, you better get back to sleep baby, you've got school tomorrow." Mum whispered, leaning down and kissing my forehead, which I now noticed to be sticky with sweat, but I was too tired to get up and shower.

I nodded weakly, closing my eyes and listening to their almost extraordinary light footsteps leading out of my room. The door creaked shut and the light flicked off, I drifted off to a deep dreamless sleep.

"Rise and shine baby cakes! Come on, get up! We have to re-dye your hair today!" An extremely hyper voice chirped. I groaned and dug my head under my pillows and snuggled in more to the warmth of my comforters. "Why!"

"No, no! Get up!" Mum chirped, ripping away the warmth and slapping my butt. I jerked away and rubbed at the sore spot on my butt. God she can hit, I'll probably have a huge bruise by the time I get home from school.

"Five more minutes.."

"No! Just get up Julian, we need to re-dye your hair and clean your lip!" She chirped agan, giggling and rushing to the bathroom to get things ready. I groaned again. Why must I be so tortured? It's not even... Four thirty? What the hell!

"Mum it's not even four thirty! Why are you waking me up this early!"

"Because re-dying and piercings take a little while. Now get your butt in here mister, or you're grounded!"

I bounded out of bed and ran to the bathroom, catching myself before I ended up ass over head. No way do I want to be grounded again, last time I was she made me clean the entire house, literally! And you know what's worse? She made me clean everything with my toothbrush. I plonked my butt down on the stool and sat there while she brushed out the knots and re-applied the blue's. Soon she cleaned my piercings and I was allowed to go get ready.

I packed my bag, ate breakfast and listened to more Black Veil Brides and other rock music. Did you know that in the suggestions this guy named Jeffree Star sang a song called 'Beauty Killer'. It was actually pretty cool. I liked it, it was very thought provoking.

"Julian! Go wash out the dye now baby!"

I sighed and shut down my lap top, I grabbed my outfit of the day and went for my shower, ignoring the blue tinted water running down my body, I was definitely still not used to that. I towel dried my newly re-energised hair and then wrapped the half soaked towel around my hips, before stepping out the steemy shower.

I gasped when I stepped in front of the mirror. What the hell happened to my eyes?! I rubbed the base of my hands over my eyes over and over again, but the blood red colour and Amber gold didn't fade. It only seemed to make them more vibrant. "Mum! What the hell happened to my eyes?! Something is extremely wrong here!" I didn't hear any reply back though. I sighed, might as well make use of them now since they are my eyes after all. I did the routine and blew dry my hair, styled it to how I wanted and rimmed my eyes with guy liner. Yeah, mum taught me how to do that. It made the Red and Amber stand out that much more.

I still feared my eyes though, I have no clue as to what made my eyes turn these colors!

As soon as I was finished with everything and slightly more composed, I walked down stairs and kissed mum on the cheek, "Well someone's in a happy mood." She whistled.

I nodded and grabbed my bag, smiling over at her even though I was still freaked out with my eyes, "Yeah, I decided that seeing as I now have friends that I don't need to be a snob and ignore them and be depressed on my own."

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