8. He Captures Attention.

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Read the note at the end! It's important!!



After being yelled at by who I now know as the principal, the gang dragged me off of the field and to the car park. Mum wasn't here yet, and I hope she won't be until every ones gone. That'd be embarrassing. "I can't believe you did it! You actually faced off with Raymond! I'm so proud of you Julian!" Kaylah squealed, jumping on my back and hugging me around my neck, cutting off my air supply.

"K-kaylah! G-g-g AAH!" I sucked in a huge breath of air as soon as Jack picked her off my back, Kaylah covered her mouth with her hand giggling.

"Gosh you're not that heavy! Or at least you're not when you're on top of m--"

"Don't you dare finish that sentence Sherry! I'm warning you. Don't." Oscar yelled, pointing at the pink haired girl with disgust and a certain squeamish quality on his face. I grinned and rubbed at the back of my neck softly, watching the amusing scene with affection.

It was nice to have people like you to talk to, even though I don't know much about them, but I just can't help but feel protective about them. Everything seemed to fade out, no noise or sound as I watched them smile and jump about. I remember back in my old school that I'd been bullied by idiots who loved saying swag and yolo whenever they could. I remember being picked on by people that didn't even know me, being picked on by even the teachers. It really wasn't the most fun time in my life.

I didn't even get the chance to have a girlfriend, or in my mothers hopes, a boyfriend. In truth I had thought about guys that way, but I was too scared to admit it. Who wouldn't be? I'm sure that there are people out there who have come out of the closet but to be honest, I admire them, I envy them. They're brave enough to face whatever anyone has to throw at them.

I'm sure that once I figure out whether I like guys or not that I'll come out to everyone. But for now I just won't say anything if anyone asks me of my sexual preference. Who cares what they think anyway?

"Julian! Julian look out!" Oscar yelled, tackling me sideways as a car zoomed past, the windows tinted the darkest black I had ever seen. My eyes watched it speed out of the car park with shock and a sort of longing.. Which made no absolute sense at all.

"What the hell is wrong with you Julian? You could've died!" Kaylah screamed, grabbing me by the shoulders and shaking me roughly. I winced as pain shot through my injured shoulder, I pushed her hand off and grabbed it quickly feeling the sticky red liquid run through the bandage and over my hand.

"Sh*t!" I sat up straight and pulled my phone out urgently and clicked on speed dial. Mum's number popped up and shoved the phone to my ear and waited till she picked up.

"Hey baby, I'm on my way now!" She chirped happily into the receiver, I shook my head and spoke quickly, "Mum the stitches ripped, can you kind've oh I don't know, hurry up?"

Mum gasped, "On my way baby! Stay by the steps!" She screeched and I could hear the car rev as she slammed her foot down on the pedal.

"What's wrong?" Kaylah asked, kneeling down beside and looking at me worriedly. The gang also circled me and looked down worriedly, I gulped as a huge headache raged through my head. Seems blood loss was a pain in the ass.

"There was an accident a few days ago, a knife was thrown by accident and it landed in my arm, deep. Mum had to sew it shut and yeah, now I have a new scar on the mend." I smiled close-mouthed, grimacing as my head swirled.

"Wait! I didn't rip the stitches open did I?! Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry!" Kaylah rushed, hugging me tightly, also making my arm scream in pain.

"Kaylah, please let go.." I ground out, squeezing my eyes closed. I never knew it could hurt this bad until now. Damn mum can throw good.

"Wait, your mom did this? Why would she throw a knife at you? Is she abusing you Julian?" Sherry asked, looking down at me scared and angry. I scoffed.

"No Sher, she doesn't abuse me, and she didn't mean to throw it at me." I smiled, "She ran out of towels and accidentally threw a knife at me. It's all good." I smiled as I heard the car speed into the car park and skidding to a stop in front of us.

Mum all but flew out of the car and was kneeling beside me in a blur, how can she run that fast?! She held a box of medical supplies in her hand, a had a really, really bad feeling that she had her needle and thread in there. I shivered in fear as she took my shirt off, I heard a few gasps from the gang before she slammed the box open. And just for the record, I was right, she had the needle and threat already at the top of the pile.

"What happened baby? And who are these people? Were they picking on you?! Did they hurt you? I swear to f*cking god Julian, if they hurt you, I'm gonna shove my foot down their thro-"

"Mum! Mum! Chill! They're my friends! Jesus!" I let out a colorful stream of curses as she pierced my skin with the needle and fixed up the mess of blood and broken seams. Oscar, Sherry, Kaylah, Brent, Brenda, Tyler and Tyler stepped back a little to give us some space.

"Really? Oh hello there kids! I'm Mary, Julian's mother, nice to meet you." Mum said, stepping up and smiling at them. They gave hesitant smiles and waves back.

"Mum this is Oscar, Kaylah, Sherry, Tyler, Jack, Brenda and Brent. Brenda and Brent are twins, Brent is dating Tyler and Brenda is dating Jack. Sherry and Kaylah are together too. So that just leaves Oscar and I alone." I smiled standing up and letting her wrap some new white gauze around my arm. I still felt slightly dizzy but nonetheless good.

"Nice to meet you guys! You're all from the LGBT society? Wow, well just to let you know, I am Bisexual, I used to be full on Lesbian before I met Julian's father--"

"Mum.. Do you have to tell them It's embarrassing--"

"Julian, can you not? You know I don't like people butting in when I'm talking, do you want to be grounded again? Y'know what? How about when we get home, you clean the whole entire house and scrub the deck outside! You know I do not tolerate rudeness young man!" Mum yelled, pointing her finger at me and frowning sternly at me. I sighed.

"Sorry Mum.."

"Good boy." She said, turning back to my friends and continuing what she was saying. I sighed, looking around. Suddenly Raymond stood across the field with his friends, looking at me with hatred, yet something else in his eyes. I couldn't really see what though, all I know is that it looks softer than all the other glares surrounding him.

Raymond's friend nudged his shoulder, trying to get Raymond's attention but it was solely fixed on me, his stare not breaking away from my eyes. I stared back, confused and tense. The feelings of protection and wariness passed through me when he flicked his eyes behind me, smiling a creepy smile. I gasped when something pointed gleamed at me. Raymond and his goons suddenly disappeared.

What the hell is going on here?


Hey guys!

So, I was thinking last night while I was laying in bed. My fingers were itching to write something supernatural! But I couldn't think of making another story with another plot line (Yet >:D It's still pending xD) So I thought, why not use WHIDSID?

So just to make things easier, I'm letting you decide! Comment below in the thingy majig and tell me if you want me to add some vampires, werewolves and yeah! xD Oh and tell me if I need to edit things! Thanks!

I look forward to seeing the results :)

Bye for now!


What happens in Detention... Stays in Detention.. (BoyXBoy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt