5. He becomes the target.

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~~Julians POV~~


"No." I said bluntly.

"But Juli--"

"Shut up." I muttered, walking further ahead of Oscar who was, evidently pouting and whimpering. I ignored him when he nudged my arm.

"Julian what did I do?" He asked innocently.

I turned my head a little and glared at him, "How about feeding me to the sharks?" I suggested.

He shook his head bemusedly, "I did not."

"Oh really?" I asked rhetorically, stopping and turning around to face him sharply. I crossed my arms, "Cause that's what it damn looked like."

He held his hands up, his pout going lax and turning into an apologetic smile. "How did I...?"

I narrowed my eyes. "How? Well, you pulled me down the hall and ran us smack bang right into a freaking monster! And then left me. And you ask how?"

"And you have to fight him..." He added quietly, looking at the floor and kicking his feet lightly at the floor like a kid being yelled at. Which is pretty much what's happening.

"Yep! You took the words right outta my mouth Ozzie!" I shouted, throwing my arms up limply, ignoring the searing pain in my right arm. Oscar flinched.

"Look I'm sorry okay! What did you expect me to do? Cover for you and get beaten into the ground? Hell no! Look I really am sorry, I really am, but you have to understand how I feel about that. I've been bullied here so bad for, basically all my life. You don't know what it's like with them. They're rough, they don't care how bad you're hurt, they only care about being the toughest and roughest. It's freaking horrible! You don't know how I feel! Day and day again they beat me down and make me feel like shit! You don't know how that feels man!" He cried, a tear leaked out of his eyes as he huffed.

My eyebrows furrowed as I enveloped his smaller body in a hug, he didn't reject it. He wrapped his arms around my waist and buried his head in the crook of my neck. Small sniffles were heard. I put a hand on the back of his head and leaned my head on his.

"It's okay, I'm sorry man. But don't worry, I'll protect you. I'll keep them away from you." I whispered, holding him close to me. Protectiveness and electricity thrummed through me and I hugged him harder.

A loud sniffle sounded and he nodded, "I'm sorry I left you, and I'd appreciate your protection." He laughed meekly. I smiled and chuckled, Oscar shivered a little and hugged me tighter.

The bell rang again and Oscar jumped a little, "Looks like we better go, what period is it now?" He asked, untangling himself from me but staying by my side wiping at his eyes. I felt a small patch of wetness on my shirt where his head had been but it was fine, it's a shirt, it'll get washed.

Oscar laughed, "Sorry I wet your shirt."

I waved a hand at him, "Nah, don't worry about it." I smiled. I grabbed my time table out and laughed.
"And it's lunch, I can't believe I ignored you for four periods. I can be such a douche sometimes, sorry." I laughed.

Oscar laughed and nodded, "Well let's get to the cafe before all the seats are taken."


This. Is. Hell.

Is all I could think as we stood in the entrance of the cafeteria, people were talking and jumping around madly and many were making out and having sex on the walls! Well it looks like it anyway.

I looked at Oscar hesitantly, "Is it always like this?"

Oscar nodded, "Yeah pretty much, come on, let's go see my group."

Oh thank god, more Oscars.


"Okay so this is Brent, Kaylah, Sherry, Brenda, Tyler and Jack. Brenda and Brent are twins, Kaylah and Sherry are together and so are Tyler and Brent. Jack and Brenda are together as well." Oscar smiled, sitting down with his tray of goo. I nodded and sat down beside him, eyeing my own tray of... food.

"Yeah I wouldn't eat that. It's rumoured to have rat shit in it." Brent warned, smiling, "Hi I'm Brent, this is my boyfriend Tyler." He introduced. Brent has warm honey brown eyes and black swooping hair. His skin was a flawless pale and he was quite small.

"Hi." Tyler murmured quietly, waving and smiling. Tyler was taller and has white blond hair much like myself, just a few shades darker. His eyes were a warm green and his skin was tan, his jaw was sharp and defined. He looked like he could pack a few punches.

"Hey, I'm Julian." I smiled.

"I'm Sherry! And this is my beautiful girlfriend Kaylah!" Sherry yelled, giggling madly as she kissed her girlfriend. Sherry has.. Well, pink short hair with pale skin and green/blue eyes, she was also quite short. 

"Whoa girl, I'm Kaylah, as Sherry said." Kaylah smiled, holding her hand out to me. I smiled and shook her hand. Kaylah has brown short short hair with one side of her head shaved, she has warm chocolate almond shaped eyes with brown tanned skin.

"The two silent ones are Brenda and Jack. They don't really like talking much." Sherry said, pointing at the two silent goth looking kids.

Brenda has long black hair that goes to her waist and black rimmed eyes, much like the whole table. She was wearing black skinny jeans, a black shirt and a lot of bracelets. She has silver like eyes with pale skin and is pretty tall, not as tall as me though.

Jack has shoulder length black hair with dull blue eyes and pale skin, piercings littered his face. He was taller than me. He didn't look like much though. Too skinny and tired looking. But he was wearing a few black veil brides bracelets. My interest peaked.

"Hey, you like Black Veil Brides?" I asked Jack.

Sherry rolled her eyes, "He's not gonna talk--"

"Yeah, how'd ya know?" He asked, looking at me weirdly. His voice was a deep and rumbled, Brenda shivered a little and scooted closer to him, looking at me warily.

"Your bracelets." I smiled, "Have you heard their new song, 'Lost It All'? It's freaking beautiful man!" I smiled more.

Jack leaned towards me a little and laughed, Oscar, Brent, Brenda, Sherry and Kaylah's mouths were hanging off their hinges as they watched us.

"Man I freaking love that song! Have you heard of 'Days Are Numbered'? It's epic as!" He yelled excitedly, clapping his hands and grinning widely.

I laughed and clapped also, "Hell yes! Man I freaking love that song!" We both giggled like little girls until someone cleared their throat.

We looked up innocently at Sherry, who had her eyes narrowed and her arms crossed, "Who spilled my drink?!"

Jack and I looked at each other, "He did it." We both chorused, pointing at each other.


Okay, sorry for the shortness! But I am Super Tired! xD


Shelby, cocoohohdodococoxoxo xD

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