1. He Moves Halfway Around The World

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1. He Moves Halfway Around The World


Music blared in my left ear when I tossed over to lie on the edge of my bed, and I let my right hand wander over to the small annoying little box lazily. When it shut up, I opened my mouth and took a deep breath and slowly let it out, so my lungs could stretch. I close-mouth smiled at my antics for a morning ritual and did it again. Mum had always told me to breathe deeply whenever I wake up because I used to suffer from heart burn whenever I yawned or breathed in. Mum always knew how to help me.

As you can probably tell, I'm a little on the safe side of things and a mummy's boy. Well, to those who think being dangerous is a more fulfilling life, you're wrong. Being safe is much, much better and far more fulfilling than the adrenaline rush part of life, and on the plus side, you don't get hurt or get heart burn! I say it's a win-win situation.

I stretched out in bed, much like a cat, curling my toes and stretching my spine and lanky arms and legs like a starfish. If you're wondering -which I know you are- I'm as healthy as a horse because of my mum, she takes me to regular doctor check ups every two weeks, and always makes me eat veggies and fruit each day and let's not forget, a healthy side of meat. I know what you're thinking, "Oh my God! Broccoli too?!" Yeah, I know right? Broccoli sucks, but I'm alright with it, but if -and that's a pretty big if- I'm not in the mood with being coddled, I usually just go for a run or ignore her. I know, mean, but if your parents woke you up at 6 each morning -including the weekend- and forces you to eat veggies and fruit you'd be annoyed too, speaking of, I should be getting up right now. I threw my gloriously warm doona and quilt off of me regretfully and let the cold morning air attack my body with it's cold pointy stick-like fingers. Sounds a bit wrong, huh?

I could feel my body groan as I sat up and blearily rubbed at my eyes, once the sleep was rubbed out I checked the time. 5:10 AM. Thank god! I thought I slept in! They told me last night that I was to help them pack up all our things as to make it easier to move, I knew I wasn't going to be able to do that if I was asleep! How silly of you to think that!

The sun barely peaked through the curtains, so I got up and stumbled slightly towards the window. Light poured into the room as I yanked the curtains open and I gasped. Damn the light was bright this early in the morning!

"Julian! Honey, are you awake!" Mum called up the stairs, I smiled.

"Yes mum! I'm already awake! Are we starting to pack now?" I yelled back, pulling on my loose fit jeans and shirt.

"Yep! Come on! The boxes are down here!"


"Oh thank god there's nothing left!" I huffed out, sitting down and wiping my face of all the sweat. Dad rolled his topaz eyes and carried out the heavy boxes. I sighed as Mum wiped her face down with a towel and threw it at me. I saw darkness for a second as the towel hit my face. Growling I yanked it off and threw it back at her.

It landed on her face. And then all hell broke loose, we started an all out war. I threw towels and she threw anything she could find. That happened to be a knife.

"Hey have you seen- Oh my god! Julian! Are you alright?!" Dad yelled, coming to my side immediately, I whimpered as the knife tilted down on my arm like it was going to slide out, but it taunted me by only sliding down and not out. It was in pretty deep.

"Don't touch it!" Mum snapped, slapping dad's hand away from the knife protruding from my arm. I don't think it hit a nerve or anything, I could still feel everything.

"Well how are we going to get it out Mary?! Why'd you throw it in the first place?! Do you know where that could've hit instead of his arm?!" Dad yelled, looking at mum with a shocked expression.

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