2. He goes to School...

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2. He goes to School...


I yawned and did my morning routine, breathing in and out deeply to stretch my lungs. The morning sun not hitting me in the face and brutally killing my eyes is a huge relief! I grinned and got up, swinging the blankets off of me and running to the clothes and then making a mad dash towards the bathroom.

Mum was already standing there though... With scissors... And a comb... And a razor looking brush stick thing.... NO! I spun around quickly and- "Julian. Sweety. Come and sit down next to mama." She said innocently. I gulped loudly and turned towards her.

She now had different tubes of blue dye sitting on the bench. I whimpered, oh come on! Why do I have to have this mum?! Why, why, why?! "Mum I'm no-"

"I don't give a shit, you WILL sit on this seat, you WILL obey your mother and you WILL not talk back to me. Got it?" She said in her no bullshitting voice. Uh oh, she swore.. This just got real.

I shivered and sat down. Mum only curses when she's annoyed. She must be a tiny bit annoyed.. What crawled up her butt and died? What was dad doing exploring there- EW! No! Yuck! Ew! No!

Mum slammed the razor like thing on the bench. I flinched and stared in the mirror at my horrified face, my bright white like blond hair was wavy and my vibrant blue eyes changed from their usual fire like magnificent blue turned to a scared dark green.  My eyes had been known to change colours from time to time, but not the yucky colours like pink and stuff, just majorly Blues, Greens, Blacks, Silver, Green/Gold/Brown and that's it.. .Wait, they also turn a white silver too.

I shut my eyes as I heard the first snip.

After many snips and squelches coming from tubes, the feeling of wet slick stuff was smeared in sections of my hair... My poor poor hair.... It's gonna get the cookies fried out of it, then i'll probably have to shave my whole head and become one of those hobo's on the street that have to get a tupé from a store!

Soon I heard another squelch and more yucky dye was applied to my hair in another section, then again another squelch, and another section covered. It sorta went like this, squelch, apply, squelch, apply, squelch, apply, squelch, and so on and so forth.

"Okay go get your clothes and bring them in here so you just need to go for a shower." Mum pushed her elbow on my shoulder and I jumped up, finally I can go! Wait...

I tilted forward and opened my eyes.. "HOLY SH- CRAP! WHAT DID YOU DO TO MY HAIR!"

Mum giggled and slapped an inside out glove on the back of my head, "Oh hush you, it's actually not that bad." She giggled again and pushed all the used dye into the small basket/bin and put the rest of the dye in the cupboard, "Okay baby, go eat and then you can wash it out."

"Really? Yes!" I yelled, rushing out of the bathroom and down into the kitchen. Time for some fruit loops!

2 bowls and a half later~

"Muuuum! Muuuummy! Mummah! Mother! Mummmy! Mum! Mum! Mum! Mummy! Mummy! Mum! Mum! Mu-"

"WHAT?!" She screamed turning around. I smiled innocently.

"Can I wash this out yet?"


"But muuuuum!"


"But Mum!"





I got up from my seat and drug my feet upstairs, might as well see what all this band stuff was about.

What happens in Detention... Stays in Detention.. (BoyXBoy)Where stories live. Discover now