4. He picks a fight with the bad boy.

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"Okay, so this is our new student Julian Van Hugh. Julian, tell us something about you." Mr. Leoni said, sitting on the corner of his desk and looking at me quizzically.

I glared heavily at Oscar who sat smirking in the back row, his feet kicked up on the desk lazily. He waved happily, tilting his head to the side mischievously.

Okay, you're probably a little bit confused. Well, let me recap what you missed.

Oscar was pulling me very painfully down the hall towards our homeroom, only as soon as we entered all hell broke loose. We tumbled into this huge massive person. No not a plus size, hell no, this person was full on packed with muscles, but not the ugly bulging steroid muscles. No this guy was tanned, tall, and muscley. Something I've always wanted to be but, mum told me not to. I guess I know why now.

"Hey! Who..." The huge guy turned around and looked down at me, his harsh gaze softened for a second. Before going full on Livid. Oh no.. Oh no.. OH NO!

"Osc-.. What?" Where the hell is Oscar?! I looked both left and right of me and couldn't find him anywhere! I saw slow movement in the corner of my eye and saw Oscar stiffly and slowly moving to the back of the room.

Pusney! I watched through narrowed eyes as he sat down and twiddled his thumbs, before finally looking at me innocently. What?  He mouthed at me. I opened my mouth to abuse him, "You lit--"

"You little shit!" The big guy yelled, grabbing my shirt by fist fulls and lifting my roughly off the ground. Uh oh.... Oh shiznit! I grabbed at his wrists and tried forcing them from my shirt but stopped when I was shook like a rag doll.

"Who the hell are you to think you can just run into me and get away with it?" He snarled, his top lip twitching and his eyes flashing dangerously. His smooth face creased in anger at his forehead and a vein twitched in his temple. I'm in it deep aren't I?

"Uh... Hi?" My throat feels like it's closed up, it feels like someone's shoved cloth down my throat and now I'm gagged.

"Hi? HI?! I'll 'Hi' you, you little fucker! You'll pay for this!" He snarled, shaking me violently. Why is no one helping me?! I took a peek from the corner of my eye and saw them watching us with wide eyes and smiles on their faces, phones were aimed at us from all directions. Okay, smile big Julian! The crowds awaiting you!

"You mean pay for bumping into you? Been there and done that." I said, gripping his wrists tightly, staring straight into the murky black depths that were burning holes into my head.

"How have you payed for it wimp?" He asked confused and still angry.

"I fell on my ass dipstick, maybe if you weren't blind you'd realize that." I teased. I heard gasps of excitement coming from the crowd that is the class.

"I'm not blind! Yeah you did fall, but I'm gonna pound your head into the ground, so then you'll pay." He snarled, basically shoving me into the wall. I think I heard some of the wall give way..

"When and where?" I asked jokingly, trying to get a reaction from the crowd. I know my little plan later will be good.

"Today after school, on the football field. Don't be late. Fag." He spat, looking me up and down with those burning charcoal eyes of his. He sorta reminds me of someone...

I didn't say anything as he strode out of the class room smirking at the girls who sighed and slid their nimble fingers around the breasts, creating hearts out of their fingers. I rolled my eyes before turning to the front. Where the teacher sat angrily, his beady brown eyes narrowed and his glasses falling down his nose.

"Who are you?" He asked. Okay, you know when you know you're in trouble but you don't want to recognise it and you just act innocent? Well, this is one of those times.

"Julian Van Hugh, sir."

"Well, I am Mr. Leoni." He said, "You can sit next to Oscar back there." He pointed next to Oscar and perched on the corner of his desk.

I grabbed my bag and went to go to the back of the room, "Wait, wait, wait." Mr. Leoni said hurriedly.

I turned back to him and raised an eyebrow, he smirked and turned towards the class, "Okay, so this is our new student Julian Van Hugh. Julian, tell us something about you." He finished. Looking at me bemusedly and evilly, but also quizzically.

And we've arrived at the current time, I hope you enjoyed our ride, your picture will be displayed in a display cabinet at the booth.

I looked at the class and sighed, I'm not too bad with people per say, only when it's one at a time, but if it's a huge cluster of people at once... Well... "H-hey, my name is Julian. I'm from Australia-"

Four hands flew up into the air, I looked at the teacher and he grinned, "Amber."

A really orange faced girl with long straw-like hair leaned forward, her buttons on the shirt slipping open, giving me full view of her cleavage and smiled seductively, "Were there any Kangaroo's where you lived?" She asked, twirling a piece of her hair around her finger, popping a piece of gum.

I nodded slowly, "Yeah, every time I woke up in the morning there were Roo's sitting on my lawn, eating."

The girl, Amber, squealed, "Ooh! Were there any baby Kangaroo's?" She asked excitedly.

I nodded slower with a 'What-the-fluff?' look, "Yeah, there were plenty of Joey's, one of my parents mates were almost knocked out by a Roo one time. Pretty funny." I chuckled a little. My uncle Mark was actually put in hospital with a few broken ribs and pretty much a busted face.

A blokes hand flew up, he looked like the typical jock. Short blond buzz cut hair, smooth player-ish features and the buff figure. Almost as big as the other guy.

"John." Mr. Leoni called.

"So it's true that Kangaroo's are like boxers? And what happened to your parent's 'Mate'." He emphasised the word Mate, like a little kid stepping foot into a pool for the first time.

"Yeah, Roo's are like boxers, but they're pretty much worse. My uncle Mark, a close friend of my mum's decided to get too close to one of the Roo's and ended up agitating it. He ended up in hospital with a few broken ribs, and pretty much a busted up face. It was funny as when he returned home. He didn't know what happened at all." I smiled, telling them of my memory.

"So basically, all you Australian's are rough and tough, huh?" Another jock asked, cocking his head to the side and crossing his arms. Girls sighed dreamily, watching him.

"I wouldn't say that, there are those who are weak and annoying. They're the ones that say, SWAG and YOLO all the damn time, it's very annoying," I almost giggled when the guy sank down in his seat, "but there are most of us who swim in rivers with crocs and poisonous snakes in it. Most Australian's nowadays carry bush knives with'em in case a croc or animal decides to sneak up on us." I nodded, "I have one, it's pretty big if I do say so myself."

The jock nodded excitedly, "Do you have it here with you?"

"Jake, you know he wouldn't bring it here." Mr. Leoni said, tilting his head towards the guy, scolding him.

I nodded in agreement. I was actually very tempted to bring it, but I don't think taking very large knives to school is very legal.

"How sharp is it?" A voice asked.

"Well, you could slice a stack of paper in one go, does that answer your question?" I asked. "Can I go sit down now?" I asked Mr Leoni, who nodded and sat behind his desk with a scowl.

I picked my way through the maze of class desks and sat in the empty seat beside an amused Oscar, he turned to me immediately with a large grin and opened his mouth to say something. I held up my hand, "Just... Shut up Oscar."

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