Chapter Four

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It was the morning Orion left with Megatronus to attend the meeting with the high Council, a cold, chilly morning, with moodkilling gray skies, that brought a depression as the day began and progressed. Orion, hugging himself tight and shivering, was walking at a fast pace down the road towards the medic's housing unit, knowing he'd promised to bid farewell to his newfound lover. When he made it to the housing unit, it was dark inside, and silent; Ratchet was probably still in his berth huddled in a blanket on this freezing morning. Orion knocked on the door, his servo shaking from the cold.

"Come in!" Came Ratchet's welcome from inside. Desperate to get out of the cold, Orion opened the door and stepped inside as quickly as he could, his denta chattering.

"H-Hey Ratch. How's it going?" The medic was huddled in blankets on the couch, looking up at Orion with bright optics.

"Fine." He replied, taking off one blanket and offering it to Orion. The archivist wrapped it around his shoulders and sat down beside him. "Today's the day, huh?"

"Mhm." Orion snuggled into the blanket, which was already warmed up from Ratchet.

"I'm going to miss you." A smile came to Orion's faceplate as Ratchet said this in a quiet whisper, and turned to the medic.

"I'll miss you too, my fair femme." Orion teased, wrapping an arm around Ratchet's waist and bringing his faceplate close to his. "It's really tempting to kiss you, you know."

"...Then why don't you?"

That was the only persuading the archivist needed before he brought his lips to touch Ratchet's rather fiercely, engines humming affectionately. Ratchet kissed him right back, wrapping his servos around Orion's neck cabling, melting into his partner. Orion smiled into the kiss and wrapped both servos around the medic's hips.

"Mmmf!" Ratchet yelped into Orion's lips in surprise as he was pulled into Orion's lap, the playful archivist trailing one servo over his aft gently, stroking with his thumb lightly, testing the boundaries with the tightly wound medic. They continued like this for about thirty seconds before-

"Holy slag, what are you, his lapdog?" Megatronus stirred them both from their paradise after standing there watching them for a bit.

Ratchet practically launched himself out of Orion's lap, landing on his peds, his cheeks pink with embarrassment. Orion wore an even bigger blush, still sitting on the couch and staring at Megatronus with surprised optics.

"H-How long have you been standing there?" The archivist choked out, his vocalizer cracking.

"Long enough." The gladiator crossed his arms. "I expected you two were close, but this is not what I had in mind."

"Um... Surprise?" Ratchet shrugged nervously, wearing a nervous and phony smile.

Megatronus laughed, shaking his helm. "I won't tell anyone. I promise."

"Th-Thank you." Orion sighed with relief, standing and moving to Ratchet's side, putting an arm around his waist, shooting the medic a playful grin. "We're still progressing."

The gladiator rolled his optics and walked towards the door. "Say goodbye to your lapdog, Pax. We gotta go soon." He left the housing unit without another word.

"Eeeeerg." Ratchet facepalmed. "That was embarrassing."

A servo took his chin, and Orion brought their gazes to meet. "Ratchet, I'll be back soon. See you later." He kissed the medic before walking out the door, his spark still pounding in his spark chamber. Megatronus better not say anything...

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